Clearly, the acetylation state of histones in disease relevant cells has a significant bearing on disease out come, the discordance between observed anti acetyl his tone antibodies in SLE sera and the decrease in acetyl histones scientific assays in NETs suggest the following three possibili ties, NETs are depleted of acetylated histones during NETosis and that these free histones may contribute to the autoimmune response in SLE, NETs are not the in vivo immunogens responsible for the observed pat terns in reactivity to histone PTMs, and NETs derived from LDGs are enriched for acetyl histones and may account for their increased immunogenicity. In our own mouse studies, we immunized BALB c mice with NETs or with NETs combined with CRAMP and expected the mice to develop autoantibodies that recognize specific PTMs present in NETs.
Here, we tested the hypothesis that NET PTMs are capable of breaking tolerance to self antigens, including but not limited to histone PTMs, as observed in human SLE. We observed a moderately strong IgM and IgG response to DNA and a modest response to other NET self anti gens, including myeloperoxidase, elastase, and histones. Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries This result is similar to mouse studies performed by Mevorach et al. in which mice were immunized with material derived from apoptotic cells, leading to a mod est, transient response including the production of anti nuclear antibodies, anticardiolipin and anti dsDNA antibodies, along with increased glomerular IgG deposi tion and slightly accelerated disease kinetics in MRL lpr and other autoimmune backgrounds.
However, while we observed modest but significant and reproducible IgG and IgM reactivity to self antigens, these mice did not exhibit other features of human SLE nor of autoimmune prone SLE mouse models. One pos sible explanation for this observation is that NET chro matin purified in vitro is not Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries equivalent to NETs generated in vivo, since the latter includes microbial determinants associated with TLR ligands and could thus act as superior adjuvants to break tolerance to self antigens. Anti histone antibodies have also been observed in Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries other diseases. For instance, NETs have been observed Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries in the glomeruli of patients with antineutrophil cytoplas mic antibodies Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries associated vasculitis, perhaps reflecting a common etiology.
In drug induced lupus, the vast majority of patients exhibit signifi cant positive anti histone antibody titers primarily tar geting histone H2A H2B, concordant with our observed significant reactivity to acetyl and unmodified histone H2B. Extracellular histones can induce septic shock in mice selleck Axitinib and concurrent infusion of anti histone H4 antibodies was protective against LPS induced shock. This finding is consistent with speculation in the field that IgM autoantibodies may play a protective role against an excessive immune response.