Phone follow-up A phone follow up data collection form will be cr

Phone follow-up A phone follow up data collection form will be created to collect data on: •Adverse events following the ED episode •Additional ED or acute care hospital admissions •Time spent in residential care (respite or newly admitted as permanent resident) •Pain and medication management following the ED episode •Patient satisfaction Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical •Patient perception of clinical decision making and privacy Phone follow up will occur at 7 and 28 days but data will be combined to provide a summary of the total 28-day period. Two phone calls are scheduled to ensure continuity of contact with the

patient Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and to assist in more reliable recall of information over shorter selleck products periods of time. Emergency department information system (EDIS) data extraction A data collection form will be created to identify key information stored on the system relevant to the patient and to compare this with data collection from the patient. The EDIS data will also be used to provide general demographic data relating to patients Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical both included and excluded (gender, age, triage category, residential

setting). Patient medical record This record will vary between institutions, being either electronic, paper based or a combination of both. A chart review tool will be designed which focuses on abstraction of data, and minimises the need for ‘interpretation’ of data during the audit process. Where possible, existing chart abstraction tools will be utilized. The final chart review tool will undergo preliminary pilot testing. Data custodian information Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical on ED episodes and acute care admissions Data on the index ED episode, subsequent acute care admission and any additional hospital interactions in the 28 days post ED departure will be sought from the data custodian in each State. International Classification of Diseases (10th revision) [57] codes, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical primary diagnoses, length

of stay and classification of care for each episode of care during the study time period will be requested. Each data collection set (comprises all the data collection sheets for AV-951 each phase of data collection) will be matched against the original data matrix to ensure that all required variables are being collected. A database for data entry will be created. Each variable item, coded to match the data collection sheet and carrying a unique variable name, will be recorded in the manual alongside each QI in preparation for analysis of the data set. Research staff A registered nurse with geriatric assessment expertise(site nurse) will be employed for prospective data collection, including the phone follow-up, at each site.

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