Non-medical factors included caesarean section requested by the mother, fear of litigation among caregivers, and inappropriate organization of maternity care. Caesarean sections were associated with maternal postpartum morbidity, child postpartum respiratory morbidity, less breastfeeding and possibly more atopic diseases.4
The findings of the present study showed that women with cesarean deliveries had a definitely greater chance of having problems with breastfeeding. The odds ratio for women with cesarean deliveries was 0.61 for Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical having any problem with feeding the baby. Similarly, Qiu et al.5 concluded that the adjusted odds ratio for exclusive breastfeeding in caesarean section deliveries in urban and suburban mothers was 0.64 (95% CI: 0.46-0.88). Caesarean section was increasingly being used for routine deliveries in China, and mothers who had an operative delivery had lower rates of exclusive breastfeeding on hospital discharge.5 This study did not find a statistically significant difference between women delivering their babies by vaginal delivery or cesarean Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical in terms of the problem of “not enough milk”(n=232 vs n=213). Wang and colleagues found that there was a significantly lower postpartum serum prolactin (PRL) levels in the caesarean group (8.48 nmol/L, 95% CI: 7.80-9.21 nmol/L) compared with the vaginal delivery group (9.61 nmol/L, 95% CI: 8.99-10.26 nmol/L). Caesarean section was an important
hazard Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical for a SKI-606 research buy shorter duration of breastfeeding (RR=1.21; 95% CI: 1.10-1.33) within one year after childbirth.6 The present study also showed that there was a greater degree of apprehension among patients and her relatives in Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the cesarean group as it is regarded as an abnormal form of delivery, which leads to lower rates of breastfeeding. The problems recorded by the lactation assistants in the cesarean group were most commonly being unable to position herself and the baby correctly(54.6%)
followed by Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the problem of not enough milk for the baby (21%) and mother not inclined to feed (15.2%). The problems with positioning were basically as the patient felt that sitting for too long will hamper healing in her stitches and the fear that the baby might kick and spoil her stitches. We felt that even in the educated women, in whom 44.4% of the cesarean deliveries had more than secondary education, there was a need for repeated and longer counseling to overcome their issues related to breastfeeding in the cesarean group. The mean counseling Resminostat time for cesarean deliveries was 35 minutes as compared to 18 minutes for vaginal deliveries. The women delivering vaginally had the confidence that every thing had gone normally, and were more keen to initiate immediate feeding and handling of their babies. Conclusion The mode of delivery has a statistically significant impact on infant feeding practices. There is a proportionately increasing trend of bottle feeding with the increases in the rates of cesarean section.