Studies of GABAergic receptors on bipolar cell terminals indicate

Studies of GABAergic receptors on bipolar cell terminals indicate that transmission

through GABAC receptors does indeed undergo depression, with a recovery time constants of seconds, somewhat longer than the time course of recovery of depression of excitatory transmission at the terminal (Li et al., 2007 and Sagdullaev et al., 2011). The threshold at the bipolar cell terminal plays a key Alisertib role in establishing certain ganglion cells as feature detectors. Taking the functional point of view that the steady level of inhibition relates to the prior probability of a signal (Figure 6), then the bipolar cell terminal adapts to the range of local signals, and steady presynaptic inhibitory input provides information about how likely those signals are to occur. One may wonder why the retina, as opposed to the higher brain, computes the bias underlying sensitization. The sharp threshold of ganglion cells acting as feature detectors again provides the answer. If a signal fails to cross this threshold, it cannot be detected at a higher level independent of any future computation. Consistent with this idea, previous results indicate that sensitization preserves signals that would otherwise be lost in cells with less sensitization (Kastner and PF-01367338 manufacturer Baccus,

2011). Thus, for the brain to take the greatest advantage of prior knowledge about simple spatiotemporal correlations, the sensitizing signal must be delivered prior to this threshold. The detection, classification, and representation of objects is a difficult task that occurs throughout the visual hierarchy (Logothetis and Sheinberg, 1996). The retina takes advantage of the distinct statistics of objects to encode an object’s location and trajectory. For example, the trajectory of an object necessarily differs from background motion due to eye movements, a property used by OMS cells

to detect the presence of objects (Olveczky et al., 2003). Objects often move smoothly, a property that the retina uses to anticipate the location of a moving object (Berry et al., 1999). Additionally, an object’s identity remains constant, a property underlying Megestrol Acetate the cognitive representation of object permanence (Bower, 1967). Thus, object constancy provides the basis for an inference about the source of a visual stimulus. However, objects present the retina with signals of vastly differing strengths depending upon motion, ambient lighting, or context. With respect to the problem of maintaining a continuous representation of an object, a camouflaged object presents a particularly difficult stimulus. Motion reveals the object, causing it to pop out from its surroundings, a property that may arise due to OMS cells (Olveczky et al., 2003). However, once the object stops, it nearly disappears into its surroundings.

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