Other immobilization techniques that take advantage of the abilit

Other immobilization techniques that take advantage of the ability of RNA to form base-pairs could also serve to slow RNA exchange. Although dextran/PEG ATPS and ATP/pLys coacervate systems do not provide suitably stable compartmentalization of reactants for long periods

of time, such systems MAPK Inhibitor Library do enable transient localization and concentration of RNA molecules. Focusing on the potential usefulness of these systems for sub-compartmentalization within protocells may be a productive direction for future research (Hyman and Brangwynne 2011). Fatty acid and phospholipid vesicle systems compatible with dextran/PEG ATPSs have been developed (Helfrich et al. 2002; Long CP-673451 et al. 2005; Dominak et al. 2010; this study), and it may be possible to develop similar vesicle systems that are compatible with the ATP/pLys coacervate system. This might be achieved by using net-neutral zwitterionic phospholipids or non-ionic amphiphiles as membrane forming molecules, as they would not interact strongly with the coacervate components, thus avoiding precipitation. Such a system would be similar to cellular organelle-based compartmentalization. In a prebiotic setting, a lipid-based membrane could encapsulate all components, and selective chemical

partitioning into the two phases could provide an early protocell with the ability to partition compounds internally and accelerate reactions within the protocell, including for example the assembly of RNA complexes and ribozyme catalysis (Strulson et al. 2012). Etomidate Thus, understanding

how ATPSs and coacervates interact and combine with fatty acid and phospholipid vesicles may lead to a greater understanding of the possibilities for the development of early cells in an RNA world. Methods Chemicals Tris(hydroxymethyl) aminomethane (Tris), sodium chloride, magnesium chloride hexahydrate, D-(+)-glucose, 2-mercaptoethanol, adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP) disodium salt hydrate, adenosine 5′-diphosphate (ADP) disodium salt, adenosine 5′-monophosphate (AMP) disodium salt, guanosine 5′-triphosphate (GTP) sodium salt hydrate, guanosine 5′-diphosphate (GDP) sodium salt, guanosine 5′-monophosphate (GMP) disodium salt hydrate, uridine 5′-triphosphate (UTP) trisodium salt hydrate, 8-hydroxypyrene-1,3,6-trisulfonic acid (HPTS) trisodium salt, enzyme catalase from bovine liver, polyethylene glycol (PEG) 8 kDa, dextran 9–11 kDa from Leuconostoc mesenteroides, dextran sulfate sodium salt 9–20 kDa from Leuconostoc spp., diethylaminoethyl-dextran (DEAE-dextran) hydrochloride >500 kDa, poly-L-lysine (pLys) hydrobromide 1–5 kDa, poly-L-lysine hydrobromide 4–15 kDa, poly-L-lysine hydrobromide 15–30 kDa, and Sepharose 4B (45–165 μm bead diameter) beads were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Corporation (St. Louis, MO).

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