Seedlings, saplings and adult trees were all susceptible to inoculation with P. austrocedrae. Under favourable experimental conditions (flooding), inoculated seedlings suffered massive mortality in less than a month. The importance of diseases caused by Phytophthora spp. in South American forests is discussed.”
“The diversity of 40 strains of Ralstonia solanacearum causing bacterial wilt of potato in the major potato-growing areas of Iran was assessed. Based on rep-PCR genomic fingerprinting, strains fell into two distinct groups. The first group contained 37 of the 40 strains and the second consisted of three
strains from a narrow tropical region in Iran. The three strains from the narrow tropical region were found to be phenotypically and genotypically most Selonsertib cell line similar to R. solanacearum biovar 2T strains, whereas all other strains were phenotypically and genotypically identified as being R. solanacearum biovar 2/race 3. Phylogenetic analysis of endoglucanase gene sequence information of two of the strains from
the tropical region revealed that they belonged to phylotype II of the R. solanacearum species complex and had 100% sequence similarity to a biovar 2T strain from potato in Peru. This is the first report of the presence of R. solanacearum phylotype II/biovar 2T in Iran and the first report of the existence of this group of R. solanacearum outside South America.”
“Orbital floor fractures have the potential to cause significant morbidity both in the short and long terms and commonly present to the ED for
initial assessment. Although treatment of the majority of these injuries check details involves clinic review and possible later surgery, there is a specific subset that present to emergency clinically suggestive of a head injury. This subset, ‘white-eyed blowout’, usually Selleck Entinostat occurring under 18 years of age, with a history of trauma and little sign of soft tissue injury, describes a trap door orbital floor fracture with herniation and acute entrapment of orbital muscle and is regarded as a maxillofacial emergency. The injury presents with marked nausea, vomiting, headache and irritability suggestive of a head injury that commonly distracts from the true aetiology. It requires prompt diagnosis and treatment to avoid permanent morbidity. We present three cases and discuss their management.”
“By global standards, the prevalence of community-onset expanded-spectrum-cephalosporin-resistant (ESC-R) Escherichia coli remains low in Australia and New Zealand. Of concern, our countries are in a unique position, with high extramural resistance pressure from close population and trade links to Asia-Pacific neighbors with high ESC-R E. coli rates. We aimed to characterize the risks and dynamics of community-onset ESC-R E. coli infection in our low-prevalence region. A case-control methodology was used. Patients with ESC-R E. coli or ESC-susceptible E.