,1995) The mean generation times for the isolated strains ranged

,1995). The mean generation times for the isolated strains ranged from fast (MGT, 2.8–4.8 h) to slow (MGT, 6.8–9.8 h),

which includes an intermediate growth category (MGT, 5.2–5.9) that fit with the new categories reported by Barnet & Catt (1991) and Moreira et al. (1993) to accommodate Australian Acacia species. Utilization of different compounds by rhizobial isolates, as sole carbon and nitrogen sources, is one of the most useful traits for their differentiation and identification (Hungria et al., 2001). Rhizobial isolates obtained from M. pinnata were able to utilize different carbohydrate sources; thus, it was assumed that they may produce important enzymes like amylase and cellulases. The obtained results showed that these strains might belong to one of two groups, Rhizobium or Bradyrhizobium, based on the utilization of carbon and nitrogen, respectively. selleck screening library http://www.selleckchem.com/products/abt-199.html However, they could not be distinguished with each other based on these characteristics. The results of our study suggest that bacteria of different genera may adapt to the environmental conditions influenced by root exudates from their hosts. Root exudates are composed of both low and high components, including an array of primary and secondary metabolites, portions and peptiodes (Bias & Weir, 2006; Weisskopf & Abou-Mansour, 2006), that vary in quantity

and chemical structure depending on the plant selective environments for a specific group of bacteria. Similar findings were reported on carbon assimilation patterns of Derris elliptica (Leelahawonge et al., 2010) and Pueraria mirifica rhizobia (Neelawan et al., 2010). Intrinsic antibiotic resistance is also one of the characteristics that can distinguish between strains of Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium. The obtained results clearly distinguished the rhizobia into three groups: group

1 sensitive to erythromycin and rifampicin (Bradyrhizobium sp. 75% isolates), group 2 sensitive to erythromycin (Bradyrhizobium elkanii 7% isolates), and group 3 sensitive to vancomycin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, rifampicin, and carbenicillin (Rhizobium sp. 17% isolates). This shows that the pattern of IAR is useful in the strain identification (Chanway & Holl, 1986). High soil and root temperature in tropical and subtropical areas is a major constraint for biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) Farnesyltransferase of legume crops (Michiels et al., 1994). Most of the isolates in this study possessed optimum growth at 30 °C, but some of the isolates were found to grow at 45 °C. This could be because they were isolated from temperate dryland agro-ecosystems due to which they could tolerate such high temperature. Indeed, the present findings are in agreement with previous work of Swelim et al. (2010) on temperature tolerance of rhizobia from different tree species. Soil-moisture deficit has a profound effect on growth and persistence of rhizobia (Cytryn et al.

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