2c (217 9% ± 9 4% versus 136 3% ± 6 1% with 10 mM KCl and 310 1% 

2c (217.9% ± 9.4% versus 136.3% ± 6.1% with 10 mM KCl and 310.1% ± 11.8% versus 186.5% ± 10.2% with 30 mM KCl) ( Figures S5A and S5B). Thus, at the single cell or population levels,

both GCaMP2.2c and GCaMP3 robustly detect spontaneous and evoked responses in vitro in acute brain slice preparations. To evaluate GCaMP expression in the intact brain, we performed transcranial two-photon imaging of the motor cortex of adult Thy1-GCaMP2.2c and Thy1-GCaMP3 mice. Under in vivo imaging conditions in both Autophagy activator transgenic lines, GCaMP expression was clearly perimembrane and was never detected in the nucleus ( Figures 4A–4F and Movies S4 and S5). The baseline fluorescence intensity of GCaMP was similar in both lines in 5-month-old animals ( Figure 4G). In Thy1-GCaMP2.2c mice, densely packed yet resolvable individual apical tuft dendrites were clearly visible in superficial cortical layers ( Figures 4A and 4B). In comparison, the density of labeled dendrites was substantially higher in Thy1-GCaMP3 animals, making individual dendritic imaging difficult ( Figures 4D and 4E). Consistent with the expression data from fixed brain slices ( Figure S2B), Thy1-GCaMP2.2c mice had mainly layer V neuron labeling with very rare layer II/III selleckchem neuron labeling ( Figures 4C and 4H), whereas GCaMP3 was expressed in layer V neurons as well as in the majority of layer II/III neurons ( Figures 4F and 4H). Therefore, medroxyprogesterone unlike Thy1-GCaMP3 mice, Thy1-GCaMP2.2c

mice offer an opportunity to image the activity of apical dendrites and spines of layer V pyramidal neurons in the cortex. We next investigated whether Thy1-GCaMP2.2c and Thy1-GCaMP3 mice could report neuronal activity responses in

the intact brain. Since individual dendrites are clearly resolvable in Thy1-GCaMP2.2c mice compared to Thy1-GCaMP3 mice, we tested whether calcium transients could be detected in the apical dendrites of layer V neurons of Thy1-GCaMP2.2c mice using two-photon microscopy in the primary motor cortex (M1). In awake, head-fixed animals, we observed numerous dendritic Ca2+ transients with large amplitudes ( Figures 5A and 5C). These dendritic Ca2+ transients typically lasted several hundreds of milliseconds with a ΔF/F ranging from ∼50% up to 200% ( Figure 5B). The duration and amplitude of these dendritic calcium transients are comparable to dendritic calcium spikes observed in vitro ( Larkum et al., 2009). In contrast, we rarely observed such robust Ca2+ transients in dendritic branches in anesthetized mice ( Figure 5C). Furthermore, in the awake state, large elevations of calcium influx were readily detected not only in the entire dendritic shafts but also in their associated dendritic spines ( Figures 5A and 5D and Movie S6). In both anesthetized and awake mice, we were able to detect transient calcium elevations within single dendritic spines over tens of milliseconds ( Figure 5E). Thus, Thy1-GCaMP2.

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