676, P = 0 0001, highly significant), mammal and termite species

676, P = 0.0001, highly significant), mammal and termite species diversity (r = 0.550, P ≈ 0.027, though not significant following correction for false discovery rates) and mammal species diversity and termite abundance (r = 0.710, P ≈ 0.002, significant) [data not tabulated]. Table 3 Correlative values (Pearson product-moment correlation) between taxonomic target groups and candidate plant-based indicators (vegetation structure) common to both Brazil and Sumatra, showing combined data Target group Indicator Brazil + Sumatra MAPK Inhibitor Library R P Plant species Unique PFT diversity

0.829 0.0001   PFC 0.703 0.0001 Basal area all woody plants 0.565 0.0001 Mean canopy height 0.558 0.0001 Woody plants <2 m tall cov/abd 0.533 0.0001 Bryophyte cover/abundance 0.509 0.0001

Litter depth (cm) 0.455 0.001 Bird species Spp.:PFTs 0.682 0.0001   Plant species 0.565 0.002 Mammal species Plant species 0.681 0.0001   Spp.:PFTs 0.598 0.0001 Basal area of woody plants 0.479 0.006 Mean canopy height 0.475 0.007 Unique PFT diversity 0.470 0.008 Termite species Spp.:PFTs 0.847 0.0001   Plant species 0.785 0.0001 Litter depth 0.669 0.002   Furcation index woody plants −0.551 0.018 Basal area all woody plants 0.541 0.021 Unique PFT diversity 0.519 0.027 Termite abundance Spp.:PFTs 0.922 0.0001 Plant species 0.791 0.0001 Total fauna species Spp.:PFTs 0.816 0.0001 Plant species 0.727 PI3K inhibitor 0.002 Excluding PFEs (see Table 4). Sample sizes are, respectively, the sum of sites sampled for each target group (see “Methods” section and Table 1A) Table 4 Correlative

values (Pearson product-moment correlation) between taxonomic target groups and candidate unique PFT-weighted PFE indicators common to both Brazil and Sumatra, showing combined Cepharanthine data Target group Indicator Brazil + Sumatra r P Plant species Phanerophyte (ph) 0.885 0.0001   Dorsiventral (do) 0.833 0.0001 Lateral incl. (la) 0.804 0.0001 Mesophyll (me) 0.784 0.0001 Notophyll (no) 0.751 0.0001 Photosynthetic stem (ct) 0.719 0.0001 Rosulate (ro) 0.716 0.0001 Lianoid (li) 0.709 0.0001 Succulent (su) 0.634 0.0001 Adventitious (ad) 0.588 0.0001 Graminoid (pv) 0.571 0.0001 Hemicryptophyte (hc) 0.555 0.0001   Filicoid (fi) 0.536 0.0001 Platyphyll (pl) 0.475 0.001 Epiphytic (ep) 0.458 0.001 Composite incl. (co) 0.441 0.002 Microphyll (mi) 0.425 0.003 Macrophyll (ma) 0.291 0.045 Bird species Rosulate (ro) 0.480 0.010   Chamaephyte (ch) −0.475 0.011   Phanerophyte (ph) 0.414 0.029   Lateral incl (la) 0.378 0.047 Mammal species Lateral incl. (la) 0.707 0.0001   Phanerophyte (ph) 0.599 0.0001 Filicoid (fi) 0.591 0.0001 Succulent (su) 0.589 0.0001 Notophyll (no) 0.575 0.001 Mesophyll (me) 0.537 0.002 Hemicryptophyte (hc) 0.524 0.002 Dorsiventral (do) 0.471 0.008 Adventitious 0.458 0.010 Rosulate (ro) 0.457 0.010 Lianoid (li) 0.438 0.014 Graminoid (pv) 0.433 0.015 Epiphytic (ep) 0.430 0.

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