.. Enough is enough. – Fenerbah?e registered T��rk Telekom Arena officially. Enjoy it! – The stadium changes, the players change further info but the winner is the same. The fans stated that they followed sport blogs on Internet sites less than they did on Facebook (x=3.00). They stated that they mostly followed their favorite athletes (x=1.28) and the official account of their favorite club (x=1.25) on Twitter, where the following rate is low (Table 2). Use of Facebook and Twitter by fans according to gender The independent samples t-test carried out to find out the differences in use of social networking sites by fans according to gender revealed that male fans followed social networks for sportive reasons more frequently than female fans did. As a result of the test, meaningful differences were found for the 12 items according to gender (p<.
05). Accordingly, men follow sport news (t=13.5, p<.05) and sport blogs (t=8.29, p<.05) more frequently. Male fans write blogs more on sport related Internet sites (t=6.80, p<.05). Male fans follow Facebook (t=4.95, p<.05) more frequently than female fans do. There was a meaningful difference (t=6.15, p<.05) in male fans in following the favorite team��s official site on Facebook (t=6.17, p<.05) and sharing sport videos compared to female fans. It was found that male fans made friends with athletes (t=4.11, p<.05) and other fans (t=5.31, p<.05) through Facebook more than female fans did. Male fans were found to post more comments on sport (t=7.54, p<.05) and messages on Facebook after their favorite team won (t=4.15, p<.05).
Technical development, besides its unquestionable advantages, brings about numerous threats. From the perspective of human health, the greatest risk consists of decreasing adaptation potential of an individual. This unfavourable change constitutes a consequence of limited environmental demands for motor activity, including both locomotion, as well as an abundant range of various motor patterns providing a base for material existence. From a prophylactic perspective, maintaining an optimal (possibly high) level of adaptation potential requires an equally high level of motor activity. Most often, such forms of activity are used which reflect different forms or components of daily life activities and aim to either maintain or increase fitness of the organism, i.e. physical exercises (Caspersen et al.
, 1985). Studies in this topic usually search for direct links between levels and types of activity and certain physiologic Batimastat and morphologic parameters as well as consequences of activity from psychological, social and economic perspectives (Haskell & Wolffe, 1994; Wolinsky et al., 1995; Bouchard et al., 1998; 1999; Batty, 2002; Vainio & Bianchini, 2004; La Fontaine, 2008; McNeely & Courneya, 2010; Diep et al., 2010). New standards, very valuable from a population��s point of view, are constantly being developed (Pate et al., 1995; Blair et al., 2004; Kushi et al.