, 2006) In the present study, we identified seven of the eight p

, 2006). In the present study, we identified seven of the eight proteins necessary for the reductive branch of the leucine fermentation pathway (Fig. 3), with the sole exception of the ATP-dependent activator protein, HadI (Kim et al., 2005). While leucine fermentation is of fundamental importance to C. difficile growth

and pathogenesis, the pathway is also of significant scientific interest as it involves Trametinib purchase a novel mechanism to generate the necessary radicals for the dehydration of 2-hydroxyisocaproyl-CoA to 2-isocaprenoyl-CoA, which does not depend on the typical radical generators such as oxygen, coenzyme B12 or S-adenosyl methionine (Kim et al., 2008). Clostridia are hypothesized to have emerged some 2.34 billion years ago and C. difficile between selleck 1.1 and 85 million years ago (He et al., 2010), thus supporting the hypothesis put forward by Kim et al. (2008) that these reactions, which proceed via a novel allylic ketyl radical intermediate, represent an evolutionarily ancient means for radical formation in bacteria. Given the organismal and scientific importance of this pathway and our success in the identification of the majority of its proteins, it should be possible, in conjunction with other ‘omic technologies, to develop a model

for leucine metabolism within C. difficile. This would represent one step towards the development of a systems understanding of this microorganism. In this study, our GeLC-MS proteomics approach identified C. difficile 630 proteins Tangeritin expressed during mid-log phase growth in BHI broth. Therefore, this extends the proteomics information for C. difficile, allowing the reconstruction of several central metabolic pathways, including the reductive branch of the leucine fermentation pathway. The Clostridial research community is in a position now wherein the increasing availability of genomic, transcriptomic and proteomic information

for C. difficile should enable the generation of datasets that are sufficiently robust to enable systems biologists to develop metabolic models for this clinically important microorganism. This should allow predictions to be made regarding the roles and expression of key virulence determinants and lead to the rapid identification of cellular targets for therapeutic purposes. Appendix S1. Overview of, and commentary on metabolic pathways active in Clostridium difficile strain 630. Fig. S1. Number of unique Clostridium difficile strain 630 proteins identified in a mixed protein sample with repeated injection to LC-MS. Fig. S2.Glycolysis and pentose phosphate pathway: showing proteins (boxed) identified in this investigation. Fig. S3.Mixed acid fermentation: showing proteins (boxed) identified in this investigation. Fig. S4.GABA metabolism: showing proteins (boxed) identified in this investigation. Table S1.

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