All fourth-year pharmacy students at the University of British Columbia were divided into one of three study arms for their community APPE: a 2 × 4-week rotation in a traditional format, a 1 × 8-week
rotation where their preceptors had experienced a 2-day education course and a 1 × 8-week rotation with both preceptor education plus a 5-day pre-APPE in-store orientation and peer debriefing. All 123 students conducted patient consultations PD-166866 datasheet and documented their care. Students in the pre-APPE + preceptor education arm provided nearly double the number of direct patient consultations than did students in the preceptor-education-only arm or the traditional 2 × 4-week arm. Numbers of drug-related problems identified and interventions performed per patient consult did not differ across study arms. Pre-APPE orientation activities provided an enhanced learning environment, promoted greater student engagement, provided care to more patients, increased preceptor preparedness and enhanced in-store patient-centred care practice. Certain of these learning activities can also form part of third- and fourth-year introductory
pharmacy practice experiences to prepare students for their final-year APPE. “
“Clinical pharmacists improve the quality of patient care by reducing adverse drug events (ADEs), length of stay and mortality. This impact is currently not well described in surgery. The objective was to evaluate clinical and economic outcomes after clinical pharmacist services were added to two general surgical wards in an adult hospital. This
was Fluorouracil in vivo a prospective, observational study. All clinical interventions to resolve drug therapy problems were documented and assessed for severity, value and the probability of preventing an ADE. Cost avoidance was calculated using two methods: by avoiding additional days in hospital (CA$3593/ADE) or additional hospital costs ($7215/ADE). Two clinical pharmacy specialists and the surgical care pharmacist independently categorized the interventions; disagreements were resolved by consensus. The pharmacists made 1097 interventions in 6 months with a 98% acceptance rate Benzatropine by surgical staff. Half of the interventions were rated significant for severity (561, 51.1%) and value (559, 51.0%). One-quarter of the interventions had a 40% or greater probability of preventing an ADE (270, 24.6%). Cost avoidance was estimated to be $0.68–1.36 million or $617–1239 per intervention. Pharmacists avoided an additional 867 days in the hospital for surgical patients. The pharmacist’s role in the management of the drug therapy needs of the post-surgical patient has the potential to improve clinical and patient outcomes and avoid healthcare costs. The inclusion of clinical pharmacists in surgical wards may result in $7 in savings for every $1 invested.