Although not the primary focus of this effort, the intercomparison of simulated fluxes and pCO2 from four different reanalysis products provides an opportunity to gain insights into inherent model and data ocean carbon issues. First we note that the reanalysis products are largely not capable of rectifying the major discrepancies between the model and data. Second we note that as we descend from coarser to finer resolution, the issues become more important. For both air–sea fluxes and pCO2, global model
agreement with in situ data is strong, with maximum deviations of 19% for FCO2 and 0.6% for pCO2 among all the reanalysis forcing products (Fig. 5 and Fig. 7). Deviations for pCO2 are much smaller than fluxes. Basin correlations are statistically significant at P < 0.05 for all forcings for both FCO2 and pCO2, and correlation coefficients range from 0.73 to 0.80. On regional scales, more model-data deviations Buparlisib datasheet are apparent and they can be large at times. We note particularly the South Atlantic and to a lesser extent the North Atlantic (Fig. 5 and Fig. 7). For Everolimus in vivo air–sea fluxes, additional problems are seen in the Pacific basins (except the Equatorial Pacific) and the Equatorial Atlantic. pCO2 estimates exhibit much smaller discrepancies in the above basins but not in the North and South Atlantic (Fig. 7). Since the results from the different
forcings only partially alleviate the model-data differences, we suggest that here the problems arise in the model formulation and/or the comparison with in situ data. On smaller scales the discrepancies between model and data are larger still (Fig. 11 and Fig. 12). For the full model domain and interpolated in situ climatology (top panels in Fig. 11), noteworthy Paclitaxel datasheet deviations are the high source regions in the model in the Southern Ocean along the 60oS band, high sources along the US/Canada East and West coasts
in the North Atlantic and Pacific, and model sinks in the southern sub-tropical Atlantic and Pacific. The 60°S Southern Ocean band of high atmospheric source is common to all the reanalysis versions, and the discrepancy is partially the result of sampling biases in the in situ data. Public data sets of pCO2 and FCO2 (Takahashi et al., 2009) are taken from point measurements in the ocean, gridded to 5° longitude by 4° latitude, binned to an annual mean climatology, and with residual gaps filled. Each of these steps potentially introduces a bias in the final result, and is especially important when comparing to model annual means, which have no sampling issues. Binning to a coarse grid reduces variability and over-represents the influences of observation points closest to gaps. Constructing annual means where data exist for only a few months creates an unbalanced representation, with the sampled months over-represented. If the sampled months occur at a low or high point in the seasonal cycle, the problem is exacerbated.