Besides that, P formosus inoculated plants exhibited

Besides that, P. formosus inoculated plants exhibited higher oxidant radical scavenging by producing higher antioxidants as compared to control plants. After 60 and 120 mM NaCl application, the level of antioxidant production was significantly higher in Selleckchem S63845 P. formosus treated plants in comparison to non-inoculated control plants (Figure 5f). Effect of P. formosus on endogenous ABA and GAs under stress Our results showed that the stress responsive

endogenous ABA content in fungi inoculated plants was not significantly different than control plants. Upon NaCl stress find more treatments (60 and 120 mM) the cucumber plants with P. formosus association had significantly lower level of ABA content as compared to control plants (Figure

6). In case of endogenous GAs content, we analyzed the GA12, GA20, GA4 and GA3 of cucumber plants treated with or without salinity stress and P. formosus. We found that GA12 synthesis is almost same in both endophyte-associated learn more and control plants under normal growth conditions. However, upon salinity stress (60 and 120 mM), the GA12 was significantly increased in endophyte-associated plants than the endophyte-free control plants (Figure 7). Similarly, GA20 was not significantly different in endophyte inoculated plants and control plants. After NaCl treatments (60 and 120 mM), the GA20 synthesis by cucumber plants inoculated with endophyte was significantly higher as compared to control plants (Figure 7). The GA4 content was significantly up-regulated in P. formosus associated plants than the control plants under normal and salinity stress (60 and 120 mM) conditions. A similar trend was also observed for GA3 contents (Figure 7). Figure 6 Effect of NaCl induced

salt stress on endogenous ABA content of the cucumber plants in the presence of P. formosus inoculation. Each value is the mean ± SE of 3 replicates per treatments. Different letter indicates significant (P < 0.05) differences between P. formosus inoculated plants and non-inoculated Silibinin control plant as evaluated by DMRT. Figure 7 Influence of salinity stress on the GAs (GA 3 , GA 4 GA 12 and GA 20 ) contents of the plant’s leaves with or without P. formosus inoculation. Each value is the mean ± SE of 3 replicates per treatments. Different letter indicates significant (P < 0.05) differences between P. formosus inoculated plants and non-inoculated control plant as evaluated by DMRT. Discussion We used screening bioassays and hormonal analysis of endophytic fungal CF in order to identify bioactive fungal strains, because fungi has been an exploratory source of a wide range of bioactive secondary metabolites [8, 25]. In screening bioassays, rice cultivars were used as rice can easily grow under controlled and sterilized conditions using autoclaved water-agar media. Waito-C and Dongjin-byeo rice seedlings grown in hydroponic medium can help in assessment of CF obtained from endophytic fungi [14].

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