Clinicaltrials gov as NCT00129311 Procedures A total of 1,822 ad as NCT00129311. Procedures A total of 1,822 adults were screened by phone for the clinical trial, and 581 adult smokers were determined to be eligible for an in-person screening. Subsequently, 241 smokers attended the first screening appointment. During the screening appointment, which occurred prior to randomization, potential participants completed consent forms, measures of eligibility (e.g., medical and psychological evaluations, and urine drug and pregnancy screens), and assessments of demographics and smoking. One hundred and one adults were eligible for the study, randomized to a medication condition, and took at least one dose of study medication (for additional details about screening and recruitment, see Weinberger et al., 2010).

At the beginning of the study (Week 1), each participant was randomly assigned to receive 8 weeks of either SEL (n = 51; 5 mg bid) or matching PLO (n = 50). Participants were asked to attend weekly appointments during which they received study medication, completed measures of smoking, and received brief (<10 min) individual smoking cessation counseling from the Mayo Clinic's ��Smoke Free and Living It�� manual (Mayo Clinic, 2000). Each participant's target quit date was the beginning of the 3rd week of the study (Week 3), and the trial endpoint occurred at the beginning of the 9th week of the study (Week 9). For further information about study procedures, see Weinberger et al. Measures Demographics, smoking history, and nicotine dependence Prior to randomization, participants were asked to report demographic information (e.

g., gender, race, and age), age of smoking onset, duration of smoking, and number of past quit attempts. Nicotine dependence was assessed using the six-item Fagerstr?m Test for Nicotine Dependence (range = 0�C10; Heatherton, Kozlowski, Frecker, & Fagerstr?m, 1991). Measures of smoking consumption and abstinence At all appointments, participants completed a 7-day timeline followback (Sobell, Sobell, Leo, & Cancilla, 1988) as a self-report measure of smoking. Biochemical measures of smoking, collected at baseline and the end of treatment, were expired breath CO level determination (Bedfont EC50 Microsmokerlyzer II, Kent, UK) and plasma cotinine levels. Venous plasma for cotinine levels were determined by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography procedures adapted from Hariharan, VanNoord, & Greden (1988).

Smoking abstinence at the end of trial (Week Dacomitinib 9) was determined by an absence of self-reported cigarette smoking during the last week of the study and biochemically verified by an expired breath CO level <10 ppm and plasma cotinine level <15 ng/ml (see Weinberger et al., 2010). Measure of smoking expectancies Smoking expectancies were assessed at Week 1 (baseline), Week 4 (1 week after the target quit date), and Week 9 (end of treatment) using the SCQ-A(Copeland et al., 1995).

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