Coercivity (HC) values of the nanowires in parallel and perpendic

Coercivity (HC) values of the nanowires in parallel and perpendicular direction are approximately 706 and 298 Oe, respectively, which are higher than the reported value of Co-Ni alloy wire [29, 32] and Co-Ni powders [35]. The higher value of HC in case of easy axis is attributed to the fact that in such case the domains are lying along the axis of the nanowires. This favors the easier alignment (and reversal) of magnetic spins along the applied field direction causing a broad and squared hysteresis loops. It is worthy to note that the crystalline anisotropy (as well

as the shape PD-0332991 ic50 anisotropy) reinforces each other and both seem to align along the easy axis of the nanowires. The square shape and widening of the MH-loop of Co-Ni binary nanowires is smaller than the pure Co-nanowires [5]. This is attributed to the strong magnetic interactions among the Co-nanoparticles comprising the Co-nanowires [5, 32] compared to Co-Ni nanoparticles comprising Enzalutamide price the Co-Ni binary nanowires. These nanowires will also

be used in the future to produce nanolaser after depositing lasing materials on them. Maqbool has already reported titanium-doped infrared microlaser on optical fibers [36]. Using the same idea this time, we will use these Co-Ni nanowires to produce nanolaser. Figure 4 SEM images of Co-Ni binary nanowires. (a) top surface and (b) cross-sectional view embedded in AAO template, (c, d) top surface view of Co-Ni binary nanowires partially liberated from AAO template at low and high magnification (e, f) tilted view Phospholipase D1 at low and high magnifications. Figure 5 EDX spectrum of Co-Ni binary nanowires [Co(II)/Ni(II) = 80:20]. Embedded in AAO template along with their quantitative analysis. Figure 6 XRD pattern of the Co-Ni binary

nanowires embedded in AAO template. Asterisks indicate fcc, while solid black circles indicate hcp Co-Ni binary nanowires. Figure 7 Hysteresis loops of Co-Ni binary nanowire [Co(II)/Ni(II) = 80:20]. Measured at room temperature using vibrating sample magnetometer. Conclusion In summary, dense Co-Ni binary alloy nanowires were deposited into highly hexagonal ordered nanopores of AAO template via AC electrodeposition at room temperature without barrier layer modification. Hexagonal ordered AAO templates were synthesized in 0.4 M H2SO4 at 26 V in 0°C environment via single-step anodization. Co-Ni binary alloy nanowires were homogenously co-deposited within the nanopres of AAO template from a single sulfate bath. FESEM results showed that the nanowires have uniform lengths and diameters. Diameters of the nanowires were approximately 40 nm which is equal to the nanopore diameter. XRD analysis confirmed the fabrication of Co-Ni binary alloy nanowires with hcp and fcc phases. EDX analysis confirms the fabrication of Co-Ni binary alloy nanowires in the AAO template. Magnetic measurement showed that easy x-axis of magnetization is along the parallel direction of the nanowires with coercivity of approximately 706 Oe.

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