In the treatment arm, paramedics will undertake immediate cooling on arrival and during cardiac arrest, using a large volume (20 mL/kg up to 2 litres) intravenous bolus of ice-cold saline. The saline infusion will be continued after return of circulation and en-route to hospital. In the control arm, patients will HSP inhibitor receive standard paramedic care, which includes the administration of normal saline at ambient temperature and will be cooled after arrival at the hospital (the current standard of care in ambulances in Australasia). Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Study sites This is a three-centre funded study administered centrally
through the Monash University Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine with study sites in Victoria (Victoria Ambulance and Monash University); South Australia (South Australia Ambulance Service and Flinders University) and Western Australia (St John Ambulance and Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical University of Western Australia). In Victoria, only MICA paramedics will enroll Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical patients whereas in WA and SA all paramedics (but not transport officers) will recruit patients. Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria Paramedics will screen patients during cardiac arrest and determine eligibility for
enrolment. Adults 18 years and over, in cardiac arrest on arrival of paramedics are eligible for inclusion. Patients who are in cardiac arrest Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical following trauma, or who are obviously pregnant or who are already hypothermic (tympanic temperature < 34.5°C) will be excluded. Randomisation The ambulances will be provided with a set of randomisation envelopes. Block randomization will be used with instructions for immediate cooling therapy during CPR or instructions for standard treatment. Standard treatment includes Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical cooling commenced at hospital as per ILCOR recommendations [7,8]. The envelopes will be randomised
by computer-generated code into blocks of ten, numbered externally, and then sealed within an opaque envelope that conceals the treatment designation. All vehicles will carry two envelopes and as each Calpain is used, it will be replaced at the earliest convenient time from the remaining envelopes held at the ambulance station. Randomisation will be stratified by state to control for possible differences in paramedics skills and hospital treatment. Study Treatments For patients randomised to paramedic cooling: – Standard advanced cardiac life support – Advanced Airway (Endotracheal Tube/Laryngeal Mask Airway) and ventilation with 100% oxygen – Infuse 20 mL/kg cold fluid via IV stat during CPR – Measure temperature using tympanic probe – If temperature > 34.