Residues Arg307′, Ile350, Arg288′, and Asp170 make up the middle

Residues Arg307′, Ile350, Arg288′, and Asp170 make up the middle layer. The residues composing the middle and the inner layers are strictly conserved between AlrSP, AlrEF, AlrBA, AlrGS, and AlrSL. An outer layer exists comprised of Thr345, Glu171, Val232 and Gly264′, but these residues, which are able to interact with solvent directly, are not well conserved. Figure 6 Molecular surface representations of the entryway to the active site of alanine racemase from S. pneumoniae. (A) The surface of three layers of entryway residues: residues comprising the inner layer

are pink (here, the constricting Tyr352 and Tyr263′ residues can be seen), the middle layer residues are orange, and the outer layer residues are blue. The PLP cofactor is colored green. Primed numbers denote residues from the second monomer. (B) Surface of the entryway colored by electrostatic potential (same view as in A). The AlrSP active site entryway includes the conserved pair of acidic residues Asp170 and Glu171. The equivalent residues in E. coli, Asp164 and Glu165, have been posited to play a role in substrate orientation [37]. Although the active sites of alanine racemases in general are moderate in size, it is difficult for inhibitors to access because of a constriction

in the entryway corridor [34]. The smallest constriction in the entryway corridor of AlrSP is between Tyr263′ and Tyr352 of the inner layer (Figure 6A), which provide an opening width of only about 2.6Å for an active site inhibitor BX-795 to pass through (the distance between the closest atoms of these two side chains with the van der Waals radius for each atom subtracted). As a result, the substrate entryway itself has been proposed as an alternative target for inhibitor development [32, 34]. Wang et al. [52] have proposed this idea previously for another enzyme, histone deacetylase-like protein. Dimer Dinaciclib supplier interface Dimerization is essential for the catalytic

activity of alanine racemase [47]. Both monomers contribute to Metalloexopeptidase the overall composition of the active site, the alanine entryway, and the binding pocket. Within the AlrSP dimer interface there are 33 hydrogen bonds and 10 salt bridges (Table 5). There are no disulfide or covalent bonds across the interface. 91 residues from each monomer are involved in intermonomer interactions. The buried surface areas of the A and B monomers are 3035 and 3020 Å2, respectively; both values are 19% of the total surface area of each monomer. The interface surface area is similar to that seen in the closely related AlrEF and AlrGS (Table 5). 30% of the interface residues in AlrSP are polar, 47% are non-polar, and 22% are charged.

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