The central wavelength and the scanning range of the swept source are 1,310 nm and 110 nm, respectively. This source can provide an output power of 6 mW and a sweeping rate of 30 kHz. It is connected to a Mach-Zehnder interferometer, consisting of two circulators and two couplers. Ten percent of the output power from the swept source is connected to a narrowband fiber Bragg grating (FBG) to generate an A-scan trigger for each A-scan. The narrowband FBG has a Bragg wavelength of 1,275 nm, and the reflected signal from the FBG is combined with the interfered signal by a 10/90 fiber coupler. To eliminate the DC component of the interfered signal, another 10/90 fiber coupler is used before the balanced detector (PDB150C, Thorlabs).
Finally, the data from the balanced detector is sampled with a high-speed digitizer at a sampling rate of 100 MB/s (PXIe-5122, National Instruments). Based on this mechanism, the time-induced phase errors can be greatly reduced, and only half the on-board memory of the digitizer is required for data acquisition. In the sample arm, a palm-held probe is implemented for skin scanning. Figure 1(b) shows the layout of the probe for scanning human skin. A single-mode fiber with an FC/APC connector is connected to a collimator, and the output light beam was incident onto a two-axis galvanometer, which provides lateral and transverse scanning. The light beam is focused by an achromatic lens having a focal length of 10 mm, resulting in the focusing of the light beam at a depth of 300 ��m beneath the sample surface.
In this OCT system, the frame rate can achieve 50 frames per second, each consisting of 600 A-scans.Figure 1.(a) Schematic diagram of the portable SS-OCT system used for studying water diffusion in the skin. (b) Layout of the handheld Drug_discovery probe. PC: polarization controller, CIR: optical circulator, FBG: fiber Bragg grating, FC: fiber coupler, DAQ: data acquisition …Water concentration in the skin is an important factor in preventing skin damage from external infections and aging. To increase the water concentration in skin, the left palm of a 23-year-old volunteer was soaked in water. Because lipids on the SC influence water diffusion and hydration, the volunteer washed his palm with soap to speed up water diffusion before the measurement. The index fingertip was scanned using the OCT system at 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, and 30 min after soaking.
After each OCT scan, a commercial moisture monitor (ZRH-009, Chung Yun Industrial) that assesses moisture levels based on the electrical conductance measurement was also used to measure the water concentration. To facilitate scanning of the same region of the index fingertip in each measurement, the scanned region was marked. However, the regions scanned in each measurement were not exactly identical, even with the marking, although each scan did cover most of the marked region.