Three connective tissue depots from which fibroblasts have been studied with considerable rigour include lung, joint and orbital connective tissue [1–4]. The origins and phenotypic characteristics of the fibroblasts found in these tissues have become increasingly important as investigation into the nature of organ-specific autoimmune diseases proceeds. The concept that localization of systemic diseases could result, at least in part, from the peculiarities exhibited by fibroblasts in affected tissues continues to attract substantial discussion. However, significant advances have been made recently in our AZD3965 ability to distinguish between similarly
appearing cells with ‘fibroblast-like’ morphologies. Despite these new insights, substantial imprecision persists in identifying the diverse biological roles of cells that resemble each other. At the heart of the problem lingers compound screening assay the absence of a single, specific marker that could distinguish fibroblasts from all other cells. Once characterized, such a protein would undoubtedly prove
invaluable in elucidating more clearly the molecular mechanisms and cellular interactions that underlie normal and pathological tissue remodelling. Orbital fibroblasts comprise a heterogeneous population of cells that can be separated into discrete subsets based on their display of surface markers [5]. The most frequently studied of these is Thy-1, which has been used by several investigators to discriminate between those fibroblasts that can differentiate into myofibroblasts (Thy-1+) and those capable of becoming adipocytes (Thy-1-) [6,7]. This assignment is also true for fibroblasts from lung [8,9]. When Thy-1+ fibroblasts are exposed to transforming growth factor (TGF)-β, they differentiate into myofibroblasts. In contrast, Thy-1- fibroblasts
terminally differentiate into adipocytes when proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)γ is activated with prostaglandin Silibinin J2 or thiazolidinediones such as rosiglitazone. Whether these distinctions hold true for cells in vivo is not yet known. The basis for the cellular diversity observed in these connective tissue depots has yet to be determined, but may ultimately explain the patterns of tissue remodelling observed in both anatomic regions. With regard to the orbit, the potential for Thy-1- fibroblasts to differentiate into adipocytes might help to explain the apparent expansion of fat found in Graves’ disease. Fibrocytes represent circulating bone-marrow derived monocyte lineage cells that present antigen efficiently to lymphocytes, prime naive T cells and can enter sites of tissue injury [10,11]. They are distinct from fibroblasts, T and B lymphocytes, monocytes, epithelial, endothelial and dendritic cells and can differentiate into mature fat cells, osteoblasts and myofibroblasts.