We also investigated the effect of a short-course of CCl4 on the immune cells of the MLNs, HLNs, and peripheral blood of rats before chronic liver damage becomes established (Supporting Information Table 1). Our results indicate similar numbers of CD134+
and CD62L−-Th cells and of inflammatory monocytes in peripheral blood and MLNs in rats on a short course of CCl4 and in controls. However, animals receiving three doses of CCl4 Selleck CHIR-99021 showed a discrete expansion (P < 0.05) of CD134+ and CD62L− Th cells and of inflammatory monocytes (2.0-, 2.4-, and 2.6-fold increases, respectively) in HLNs. In this study, we tested the hypotheses that (1) systemic activation of the inflammatory immune system occurs in the compensated, preascitic stage of
experimental cirrhosis and (2) this immune activation is mainly induced in the draining lymph nodes of the liver and/or intestine. Our findings indicate that in rats with cirrhosis, the proinflammatory immune system is activated at the systemic level before ascites appearance. Such a proinflammatory state is concurrent with expansion of activated T cells and monocytes in the HLNs, which at this stage of cirrhosis constitutes the main source of the expanded activated immune cells present in the peripheral blood. In addition, this study reveals that translocation of enteric SAHA HDAC order bacterial products, as assessed by the presence of bacterial DNA in the MLNs of animals with cirrhosis, occurs in rats without ascites and starts off an inflammatory response restricted to the local environment. The finding of an intense expansion in the peripheral blood of recently activated CD134+- and effector CD62L−-Th cells and inflammatory monocytes, along Tangeritin with increased serum levels of proinflammatory cytokines, is consistent with activation of the inflammatory immune system at the systemic level in pre-ascitic experimental cirrhosis. These data are consistent with a limited number of reports that show expansion of activated monocytes and/or augmented concentrations of proinflammatory cytokines in the peripheral blood
of patients with compensated cirrhosis4, 25, 26; however, to the best of our knowledge, this had not yet been shown in experimental compensated cirrhosis. As in other tissues, immune system responses to hepatic antigens and cellular lesion products can take place in regional draining lymph nodes (HLNs).23 Activated immune cells recirculate after leaving the HLNs and thereafter can home in different organs, including the inflamed liver. Indeed, direct correlation was observed between circulating activated Th cells and inflammatory monocytes and these cells present in the HLNs, but not those in the liver. Our previous study conducted in rats with cirrhosis and ascites identified the MLNs as the source of a systemic immune response triggered by enteric bacteria that thereafter reach the peripheral blood by recirculation of activated immune system cells.