We developed and piloted an online questionnaire asking participants about their use of NSAIDs, management of injuries, knowledge of adverse events and demographic data. All participants were asked to indicate: whether they had taken NSAIDs before, during or post exercise (in training or competition) in the previous 12 months; which NSAIDs were used and what advice had been sought. The survey selleck screening library was communicated to members of five athletic clubs
by the club executives using their websites or email (because of this we cannot report a response rate). This study was approved by the University’s Ethics Committee. Of 129 respondents (male 68%, mean age 33, range 18–70) 68% reported using NSAIDs in the previous 12 months. NSAID usage was associated with occurrence of an injury (χ2 value 12.187, p < 0.0005). NSAID usage was 84.4% in triathletes, 70.9% in runners and 52.5% in cyclists. There was no association between usage and age. Forty-five percent of athletes used NSAIDs immediately before or after activity, and this usage was statistically more common in runners and triathletes compared to cyclists. Eight respondents used NSAIDs during an event. Ibuprofen
was the NSAID of choice for 98% of NSAID using athletes, with 93% of that usage accessed over-the-counter. Sixty-five percent of respondents were aware that NSAIDs GSK2118436 datasheet were associated with ‘stomach pain/ bleeding/ulcers’ and both non-users and users of NSAIDs had similar knowledge of gastrointestinal adverse effects. Only 26% of use was advised by a doctor or pharmacist. Indigestion remedy use was associated with NSAID Thalidomide use. Our study demonstrates high usage of NSAIDs in this group of UK amateur athletes. Our data suggests that usage of NSAIDs is often out of line with evidence, potentially harmful, and largely used without professional health advice. Response to the electronic questionnaire,
accessed through the members area of the club website, was lower than expected, partly limited by the time available for the study, and may also have captured only regular website users. We cannot exclude self-selection bias from NSAID users. While these limitations may reduce the generalisability of the data, we consider that the results support the need for mechanisms to inform athletes, and coaches, about the use of NSAIDs. We propose that practising pharmacists should actively engage in advising on the appropriate dose and dose schedule when patients request over the counter NSAIDs, together with discussing the associated risks, recognising side effects and when to seek further medical advice. 1. Gorski T, Cadore EL, Pinto SS, et al. Use of NSAIDs in triathletes: prevalence, level of awareness and reasons for use. Br J Sports Med 2011; 45: 85–90 2. Küster M., Renner B, Oppel P, Niederweis U, Brune K. Consumption of analgesics before a marathon and the incidence of cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and renal problems.