We developed and refined a simple and efficient technique in which nail polish was used to remove conidia, appressoria, hyphae, INK 128 solubility dmso conidiophores, and developing ascocarps of E. necator from grapevine (Vitis vinifera) leaves
and showed that RNA isolated after removal was not contaminated with V. vinifera RNA. This approach can be applied to expression analyses throughout fungal development and could be extended to other epiphytic pathogens and saprophytes. “
“To characterize Aspergillus section Nigri strains involved in the ochratoxin A (OTA) contamination of Tunisian wine and table grapes, a total of 33 strains were analysed. A molecular characterization of the isolates was performed by the amplification of internal transcribed spacer (ITS1-5.8S rDNA-ITS2) region combined with amplicon sequencing. Analysis of similarity between the obtained sequences and those deposited
in the GenBank database was performed. Twelve strains were confirmed to belong to the Aspergillus carbonarius species. Strains belonging to the Aspergillus niger aggregate group were classified by in silico RFLP assay into two patterns N and T, corresponding to A. niger and Aspergillus tubingensis. Among the 21 OTA producing isolates analysed, 13 showed the T-type pattern and 8 showed GW-572016 in vitro the N-type pattern. The presented method showed to be a reliable alternative to the classic RFLP method. Our findings unambiguously revealed that multiple pentoxifylline aspergilli species isolated from wine and table grape in Tunisia are able to produce OTA. “
“During the 2009 and the 2010 growing
seasons, a root rot disease has been detected on young potted Persea americana plants in two nurseries located in the Catania and Messina provinces (eastern Sicily, Italy). A Cylindrocarpon sp. was consistently recovered from pieces of symptomatic tissues on Petri dishes containing potato dextrose agar. On the basis of morphological characteristics and molecular identification by DNA sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of internal transcribed spacer and β-tubulin gene regions, the causal agent was identified as Ilyonectria (=Neonectria) macrodidyma. Koch’s postulates were fulfilled by pathogenicity tests carried out on potted P. americana seedlings. To our knowledge, this is the first to report worldwide of the occurrence of a disease caused by I. macrodidyma on P. americana. “
“In 2013, an outbreak of Rhizopus rot caused by Rhizopus oryzae occurred in cucumber grafted onto pumpkin rootstock sampled from seedling farms in Changnyeong, South Korea. A water-soaked appearance of the affected tissue was the first symptom of this soft fungal rot in the seedling stems of grafted cucumber. Lesions at the graft sites softened and rapidly, rotted, and turned brown or dark brown. Measurements and taxonomic characteristics were most similar to R. oryzae.