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assurance and database management, conducted the secondary analyses, then wrote and edited the overall manuscript. PJN and HMK wrote the funding proposal, managed the implementation of the overall study and edited the manuscript. PJN helped develop the research question and also supervised the analysis of the data. MD worked with PJN and HMK to design the healthy eating component of the trial, including instrument selection and analysis and edited the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.”
“Background The relationship between chronic psychological stress and reduced health is well established [1], with psychological stress having been shown to increase susceptibility to a wide range of diseases including anxiety, depression, diabetes, and obesity [2–4]. Even the “stress” of short-term sleep loss has significant implications for long-term health and well-being due to adverse systemic health effects including suppressed immune function, abdominal obesity, insomnia, depression, and generalized fatigue [5, 6]. Interventions for stress and anxiety range from nutritional support to the use of antidepressant medications such as benzodiazepines and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors [7, 8]. A United States Patent (No.