The crystalline peaks are well indexed to body-centered cubic (bcc) In2O3 (JCPDS 76-0152). The absence of the In crystalline peak infers the complete oxidation of the In wire in N2O plasma. Thus, highly crystalline structures of In2O3 with a tendency to form a (222) crystal
plane were obtained. The thermal ABT-263 supplier radiation treatment improved the crystallinity of the In2O3 structure. The appearance of a more In2O3-related crystalline peak in the XRD pattern indicates a polycrystalline structure, forming the nanostructured In2O3 films. Crystalline sizes calculated from the In2O3(222) crystalline peak using the Scherrer formula [20] are 33.8 ± 0.1 nm for the In2O3 NPs and 43.2 ± 0.1 nm for the nanostructured In2O3 films. The size of the crystalline In2O3 NP is close to the measurement selleck chemicals llc taken by FESEM (approximately 40 ± 9 nm), which evidently indicates a single-crystalline structure of the In2O3 NPs. The size of the crystalline nanostructured In2O3 film is relatively small compared to the size of the nanostructures (60 to 300 nm). Therefore, the nanostructured In2O3 film apparently consists of polycrystalline structures with an average crystal size of about 43 nm. Figure 2 XRD patterns and Raman spectra. (a) XRD patterns and (b) Raman spectra of In2O3 NPs and nanostructured In2O3 films. The structural properties of the In2O3 NPs and nanostructured In2O3 films were BIRB 796 nmr further confirmed by
Raman spectra. Consistent with XRD analysis, the Raman spectra also provided evidence of the bcc In2O3. The observed seven Raman peaks located at 130, 248, 303, 362, 493, 594, and 626 cm−1 are assigned to the phonon vibration modes of the bcc In2O3[21]. The Raman peak of 248 cm−1 which was only detected by the highly oriented In2O3 nanostructure was presumably highly dependent on the orientation of the NPs [22]. Thus, it is usually insignificant in the Raman spectrum of randomly distributed In2O3 NPs [23]. In addition, PL spectra of the untreated In2O3 NPs and treated nanostructured In2O3 films are presented
in Additional file 1: Figure S3 to provide a qualitative study on the structure defect of the In2O3 nanostructures. A broad orange-reddish emission centered at about 610 and about unless 660 nm was observed in all samples. This emission is normally attributed to the defect emission due to oxygen deficiencies [24] or the intrinsic defects related to oxygen [25]. The suppression of defect-related emission of In2O3 is correlated to the reconstruction of defect structures and improvement in crystallinity of In2O3 structures [26] by thermal radiation treatment. HRTEM analysis of the nanostructured In2O3 films is presented in Figure 3. The TEM micrograph of the nanostructured In2O3 after thermal radiation treatment (Figure 3a) shows the agglomeration of the In2O3 NPs to form compact structures. The bundles of In2O3 formed by stacked In2O3 nano/microcrystallites can be clearly observed in the figure.