It is possible that some of the newer body-oriented therapies, dialectical behavior therapy, or EMDR may yield benefits that traditional insight-oriented therapies lack. Making
meaning of the traumatic experience usually is not enough. Traumatized individuals need to have experiences that directly contradict the emotional helplessness and physical paralysis that accompany traumatic experiences. In many people with PTSD, such helplessness and paralysis become a Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical habitual way of responding to stressful stimuli, further weakening their feelings of control over their destiny. The critical steps in treating PTSD can be summarized as follows (for more details see ref 114): Safety. When people’s own resources are inadequate to deal with threat, they need to rely on others to provide them with safety and care.
After having been traumatized, it is critical that the victim reestablishes contact with his or her natural selleck chemicals llc social support system. If this system Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical is inadequate to ensure the safety of the patient, institutional resources need to be mobilized the help the patient Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical find a place to recover. selleck inhibitor anxiety management. After the patient’s safety has been assured, there may be a need for a variety of psychological interventions. Patients need to learn to name the problems they face, and learn to formulate appropriate solutions. Assault victims must learn to distinguish between the real-life threats, and the haunting, irrational fears that are part of the disorder PTSD. If anxiety dominates, victims need to be helped to strengthen their coping skills. Practical
anxiety management skills training may Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical include deep muscle relaxation, breathing control, role-playing, covert modeling, thought stopping, and guided self-dialogue. Emotional processing. In order to put the event(s) in perspective, the victim needs to reexperience the event without feeling helpless. Traditionally, following Freud’s notion that words can substitute Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical for action to resolve a trauma (1893),115 this has been done by helping Cilengitide people to talk about their entire experience.13-64, 116 They are asked to articulate what they think happened, and what led up to it; their own contributions to what happened, their thoughts and fantasies during the event, what was the worst part of it, and their reactions to the event in detail, including how it has affected their perceptions of themselves and others. Such exposure therapy is thought to promote symptom reduction by allowing patients to realize that: (i) remembering the trauma is not equivalent to experiencing it again; (ii) that the experience had a beginning, middle, and end, and that the event now belongs to one’s personal history.