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05   Fellmer 1966 [67]     Radiation (709)     69% 5-year surviva

05   Fellmer 1966 [67]     Radiation (709)     69% 5-year survival       Uterus IIIA–IVB Iscador

(95)III 2.75 0.61   0.023 0.39–0.93 Grossarth 2008c [49]     None (95) 1.67             IA-C Iscador (103)III 8.75 0.41   <0.0001 0.26–0.63 Grossarth 2008d [49]     None (103) 6.67           Ovary FK228 in vivo IA–IC Iscador (75)III 6.83 0.47   0.0002 0.31–0.69 Grossarth 2007d [50]     None (75) 5.83             IV Iscador (62)III 1.79 0.62   0.077 0.37–1.05 Grossarth 2007e [50]     None (62) 1.17           Genital All stages SurgeryI, radiationI, Iscador (155)     Disease-specific survival partly improved not shown   Majewski 1963 [68]     SurgeryI, radiationI,(not shown)             Retrolective pharmaco-epidemiological cohort studies Breast I–III Conventional therapy, Iscador (710)   0.46   0.038 0.22–0.96 Bock 2004 [70]     Conventional therapy (732)               I–IV Conventional therapy, Eurixor (219)     No difference observedV     Schumacher 2003 [71, 72]     Conventional therapy (470)             I Co-intervention (i.e. radiation) applied to part of the group II Not applicable since more than 50% alive at study termination III Data from complete set of patient pairs reported IV Data only from patient pairs with strict matching reported V No difference could be found due to limited observation time (median < 10 months) CMF: Cyclophosphamide, DMXAA ic50 methotrexate, 5-fluorouracil P-value, 95% CI (confidence

interval): Statistical significance of difference between mistletoe (or other verum) and control group. Table 4 Controlled Clinical Studies on VAE Treatment in Breast and Gynaecological Cancer: Tumour Behaviour or Pleurodesis Site Stage Intervention (evaluable patients) Outcome P-value 95% CI Author, year, reference R EMISSION             Randomized controlled trials Breast, ovary, lung T1–4,

N0–3, M0–1 ChemotherapyI, Helixor A (115) Remission rate: no difference     Piao 2004 [56]     ChemotherapyI, Lentinan (109)         Ovary, others Inoperable (-)-p-Bromotetramisole Oxalate Radiation, cisplatin, holoxan, Helixor (23) 10% complete remission 48% partial remission 5% progress     Lange 1985 [63]     Radiation, cisplatin, holoxan (21) 17% complete remission 48% partial remission 4% progress       Pleural effusionII Advanced Helixor (11) 82% complete remission 9% partial remission <0.05III   Kim 1999 [60]     Doxycycline, meperidine, lidocaine (15) 40% complete remission 27% partial remission       D ISEASE-FREE INTERVAL, TIME TO EVENT, RECURRENCE (H AZARD RATIO ) Randomized controlled trials Breast T1a-3, N0, M0 Iscador (38) Time to local recurrences: 0.44 lymphatic metastases: 0.27 distant metastases: 0.50 all events (incl.death) 0.65 0.18 0.0048 0.061 0.012 0.14–1.44 0.11–0.67 0.24–1.03 0.47–0.91 Grossarth 2006a [52, 53]     None (38)         Non-randomized controlled trials Breast T1–3, N0, M0 Iscador (84) Time to local recurrences: 0.42 lymphatic metastases: 0.22 distant metastases: 0.36 all event (incl.death) 0.66   0.21–0.83 0.10–0.47 0.21–0.62 0.55–0.

2010) The community dominance of Fagaceae is a common phenomenon

2010). The community dominance of Fagaceae is a common phenomenon throughout Malesia. The species density and evolutionary centres of the tropical genera Castanopsis and Lithocarpus are situated in Western Malesia (Manos and Stanford 2001; Cannon and Manos 2003), with highest numbers of species and endemism in Borneo (Soepadmo 1972). Forest surveys at mid-montane elevations over quaternary and sedimentary substrates on Mt Kinabalu,

Borneo, showed that the Fagaceae LDE225 were represented with 9 and 20 species, respectively, including the genera Castanopsis, Lithocarpus, Quercus and Trigonobalanus (Aiba et al. 2002; plots 17Q, 17S). In mid-montane forests on Mt Pangrango, Java, the Fagaceae occurred with fewer species, but were also a common component (Yamada 1977). Within-family species richness rapidly declines east of Wallace’s line, but the relatively few species may dominate tree communities in Sulawesi as well as in New Guinea. In New Guinea, a single species, Castanopsis acuminatissima, locally forms pure stands in lower to mid-montane elevations (Soepadmo 1972; Johns

et al. 2007). The Podocarpaceae are important components of tropical and southern hemisphere moist forests, with their species density centre in Southeast Asia and Australasia, but extending also into the tropical American and African highlands (de Laubenfels 1988). While many species have a broad elevational range (de Laubenfels 1988; Keßler et al. 2002), the family is particularly well represented and may gain AT9283 nmr community dominance in upper montane mossy forests (Culmsee et al. 2010) and on ultramafic soils (Aiba et al. 2002; Proctor 2003). The community dominance of the conifer families in the upper montane forests in Sulawesi reflects the situation observed in other high mountains of Malesia, especially in Borneo and New Guinea (Grubb and Stevens Protein kinase N1 1985; Aiba and Kitayama 1999; Johns et al. 2007). Compared to upper montane forests at Mt Kerigomna and 20 other high mountains in New Guinea (Grubb and Stevens 1985), the upper montane forest in Sulawesi shows high similarity not only in the high abundance of Podocarpaceae, but also in the frequent occurrence of several high mountain tree

taxa, such as Daphniphyllum gracile (Daphniphyllaceae), micro- and nanophyllic species of Rapanea (Myrsinaceae), Drimys piperita (Winteraceae), and the Australasian elements Quintinia sp. and Sphenostemon papuanum (Paracryphiaceae). The phytogeography of high mountain forests of Sulawesi in the Malesian context A survey of plant species diversity and endemism across five major Malesian islands has indicated that vascular plant diversity and the rate of plant species endemism (12%) in Sulawesi were relatively low and did not reflect the long-term isolation of the island (Roos et al. 2004). Considering the relatively small regional data set of 71 species identified to valid species names in the present study, the rate of 20% endemics is substantially higher. Cannon et al.

Overall, median percentage of positive cells was 1 0 (range 0–80;

Overall, median percentage of positive cells was 1.0 (range 0–80; mean = 12.3 ± 19.5%) and 10.0 (range 0–80; mean = 13.9 ± 14.8%) in non recurrent and recurrent cases, respectively, but this difference was not significant. When tumours were stratified according with CD133 expression, median DFS of CD133 low expressor tumors was longer compared to high expressor Wnt inhibitor cases (80.5 ± 36.8 vs 48.0 ± 39.1 months) and this difference was significant (p = 0.001). Moreover, when tumours were stratified according with CD133 expression, twenty-two (30.6%) out of 72 low expressor cases and 35 (54%) among the remaining 65 cases recurred during the period of follow-up and this difference was significant

(p = 0.005) as also confirmed by the Kaplan-Meier curves of DFS which displayed a significant separation between the two groups of patients (p = 0.002 by log-rank test) (Figure 3A). Similarly, thirty-one (47.7%) out of 65 patients with high expresssor tumours and only 20 (27.8%) of the 72 remaining ones died of disease during the period of follow-up and this difference was significant (p = 0.013) although median percentage of positive

cells was 2.0 (range 0–80; mean = 13.6 ± 21.0%) and 10.0 (range 0–40; mean = 12.0 ± 10.0%) in JNK inhibitor supplier alive and death patients, respectively, and this difference was not significant. Thus, patients with tumors displaying a higher staining for CD133 were more likely to die for the disease compared with low expressor tumors as confirmed by the Kaplan-Meier curves which displayed of a significant separation between the two groups of patients (p = 0.008 by log-rank test) (Figure 3B). Hence, increased expression of CD133 was associated with an increased risk of recurrence and death in our series of colon cancers (Figures 3A and B). Figure 2 Examples of α-DG immunohistochemical staining in human colon samples. (A) Normal colonic mucosa. Note the intense cytoplasmic immunopositivity of caliciform cells of the cryptes (× 20) and the positive staining of the stroma likely due its muscolar fraction, which served as positive control. (B) Normal colonic mucosa.

Note the strongest staining on the basis of cells and the reinforcement of basal membrane (arrows) (× 40. (C) A well differentiated NAS adenocarcinoma displaying a diffuse staining for α-DG (× 200). (D) A poorly differentiated NAS adenocarcinoma displaying an intense cytoplasmic staining for α-DG (× 400). (E and F) A mucinous poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma displaying a clear diffuse cytoplasmic staining for α-DG (× 200 and × 550). Figure 3 Kaplan-Meier curves for disease-free ( upper panels ) and overall ( lower panels ) survival in a series of 137 colorectal cancer patients. Patients were stratified by CD133 expression (A, B) or according to the level of α-DG expression (C, D) (see text for details).

The inter-assay coefficients of variation were described in a pre

The inter-assay coefficients of variation were described in a previous report [7]. Samples were measured at each sampling time. Lumbar BMD was measured using DXA/QDR (Hologic, Bedford, MA, USA). Adverse events (AEs) were investigated by the physicians and classified using the system organ class from MedDRA version 12.0. Statistical analysis The concentrations

of teriparatide, calcium metabolism, and bone turnover markers are expressed as means±SE. In the 24 h selleck kinase inhibitor change analysis, calcium metabolism and bone turnover markers were compared to the 0 h value (paired t test). The bone turnover markers and lumbar BMD are expressed as the mean percent changes from corresponding week 0 values. The changes from baseline were evaluated using paired t test. Ethical

considerations The protocol of the present study was approved by the Institutional Review Boards at each participating institution, and the study was conducted in compliance see more with the Declaration of Helsinki and Good Clinical Practice (GCP). Written, informed consent was obtained from all participants prior to their participation in the study. Results Subjects Twenty-eight subjects with osteoporosis were enrolled in this study. One subject was withdrawn from the study at the first week of injection at the subject’s request. The subjects’ baseline characteristics are shown in Table 1. The serum 25(OH)D level was only measured at 0 weeks. One subject with a vitamin D deficiency at baseline was not included. Table 1 Participants’ baseline characteristics Item Mean ± SD Age (years) 71.1 ± 3.6 Height (cm) 152.2 ± 5.9 Weight (kg) 49.2 ± 5.5 BMI (kg/m2) 21.4 ± 3.2 Lumbar BMD (g/cm2) Thiamine-diphosphate kinase 0.668 ± 0.076 Corrected serum Ca (mg/dL) 9.7 ± 0.3 Serum P (mg/dL) 3.6 ± 0.5 Serum intact PTH (pg/mL) 37.2 ± 11.6 Serum 25(OH)D (ng/mL) 29.7 ± 7.5 Serum osteocalcin (ng/mL) 7.9 ± 3.3 Serum P1NP (ng/mL) 49.5 ± 23.3 Urinary DPD (pmol/μmol · Cr) 5.0 ± 2.2 Urinary NTX (nmol/mmol · Cr) 46.9 ± 21.5 Pharmacokinetics The 24 h changes in plasma teriparatide acetate concentrations were nearly equal

in each data collection week (Fig. 1). No major difference was found in peak concentrations at 30 min among 0, 4, 12, and 24 weeks. The distributions of mean values of PK parameters in each sampling week were as follows: C max 495.9–653.9 pg/mL, AUClast 53.0–70.5 ng · min/mL, AUCinf 55.5–74.1 ng · min/mL, T max 34.4–41.1 min, and T 1/2 57.4–123.4 min. Fig. 1 Mean change over 24 h of the plasma concentration of teriparatide acetate at 0 weeks (black circle), 4 weeks (white circle), 12 weeks (black triangle), and 24 weeks (white triangle). Data are plotted as means (±SE) Changes in calcium metabolism In each data collection week, the corrected serum Ca increased to a peak concentration (9.7–9.8 mg/dL) at 6 h and decreased to the baseline level at 12–24 h (Fig. 2a). During the 24 week dosage period, the serum corrected Ca level decreased significantly at 4 and 24 weeks (Fig. 2b).

K Racz, A Keller and A Lysgaard have no conflicts of interest

K. Racz, A. Keller and A. Lysgaard have no conflicts of interest to declare. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any

medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. References 1. Kaufman JM, Taelman P, Vermeulen A, Vandeweghe M (1992) Bone mineral status in growth hormone-deficient males with isolated and multiple pituitary deficiencies of childhood onset. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 74:118–123PubMedCrossRef 2. Boot AM, van der Sluis IM, Krenning EP, de Muinck Keizer-Schrama SM (2009) Bone mineral density and body composition in adolescents with childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency. Horm Res 71:364–371PubMedCrossRef PD0325901 supplier 3. de Boer H, Blok GJ, van Lingen A, Teule GJ, Lips P, STA-9090 solubility dmso van der Veen EA (1994) Consequences of

childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency for adult bone mass. J Bone Miner Res 9:1319–1326PubMedCrossRef 4. Holmer H, Svensson J, Rylander L, Johannsson G, Rosen T, Bengtsson BA, Thoren M, Hoybye C, Degerblad M, Bramnert M, Hagg E, Engstrom BE, Ekman B, Thorngren KG, Hagmar L, Erfurth EM (2007) Fracture incidence in GH-deficient patients on complete hormone replacement including GH. J Bone Miner Res 22:1842–1850PubMedCrossRef 5. Bouillon R, Koledova E, Bezlepkina O, Nijs J, Shavrikhova E, Nagaeva E,

Chikulaeva O, Peterkova V, Dedov I, Bakulin A, Oganov V, Attanasio AF (2004) Bone status and fracture prevalence in Russian adults with childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 89:4993–4998PubMedCrossRef 6. Baroncelli GI, Bertelloni S, Sodini F, Saggese G (2002) Lumbar bone mineral density at final height and prevalence of fractures in treated children with GH deficiency. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 87:3624–3631PubMedCrossRef 7. Bonjour JP, Theintz G, Buchs B, Slosman D, Rizzoli R (1991) Critical years and stages of puberty for spinal and femoral bone mass accumulation during adolescence. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 73:555–563PubMedCrossRef 8. Mauras N (2010) GH use in the transition Interleukin-3 receptor of adolescence to adulthood. Endocr Dev 18:109–125PubMedCrossRef 9. Biller BM, Sesmilo G, Baum HB, Hayden D, Schoenfeld D, Klibanski A (2000) Withdrawal of long-term physiological growth hormone (GH) administration: differential effects on bone density and body composition in men with adult-onset GH deficiency. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 85:970–976PubMedCrossRef 10. Underwood LE, Attie KM, Baptista J (2003) Growth hormone (GH) dose–response in young adults with childhood-onset GH deficiency: a two-year, multicenter, multiple-dose, placebo-controlled study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 88:5273–5280PubMedCrossRef 11.

Σ is the density inside the gap, B is the second Oort constant T

Σ is the density inside the gap, B is the second Oort constant. The function $$ f(P) = \left\{ \beginarrayl@\quadl (P-0.541)/4 & \mboxif $P<2.4646$\\ \\ 1-\exp(-P^0.75/3) & \mbox if $ P \geq 2.4646$ \\ \endarray \right . $$describes the gap depth expressed as the ratio between the gap surface density

and the unperturbed density at r  + . The variable P is defined by $$ P=\frac3H4R_H+\frac50(m_J/M) R \lesssim 1 $$where R is the Reynolds number and m J is the gas giant mass. In this way we are able to take into account the torque exerted on the outer disc by the gas in the gap and the corotation torque. The migration time can be estimated by $$ \tau_II = \frac(GM)^1/2m_Jr_J^1/22\Gamma. $$ (9) PD98059 Both types of migration (Types I and II) has been verified by numerical hydrodynamical calculations and good agreement has been found in the respective mass regimes. Type III Migration For intermediate-mass planets which open the gap only partially, it has been proposed the type III migration (Masset and Papaloizou 2003). This type of migration occurs if the disc mass is much higher than the mass of the planet. The corotation torques are responsible for this type of migration. This

migration can be very fast (Artymowicz 2004) and this is why it is called also “the runaway migration”. Resonance Capture It has been recognized that resonant structures may form as a result of the large scale orbital migration in young planetary systems discussed in Section “Planetary Migration”.

So resonant structures might be the indicators of the particular migration scenario Y-27632 research buy which took place in the past. The massive objects that we expect to find in forming planetary systems will migrate with different rates depending on their masses. Combining the expected differential Ceramide glucosyltransferase migration speeds described in the previous subsection with the strength of the commensurabilities given by Quillen (2006) and Mustill and Wyatt (2011), one can predict if the capture will take place or not. The resonant capture for the first order resonances in the restricted three body problem occurs when $$ \frac1\frac1\tau_I-\frac1\tau_II \geq \frac3 \pi \dot\eta_\rm crit \Omega_J $$ (10)where \(\dot \eta _\rm crit\) is the critical mean motion drift rate and Ω J is the angular velocity of the Jupiter-like planet. In the case of an internal 2:1 resonance \(\dot\eta_\rm crit=22.7~(\mathrmm_J/M)^4/3\), while for a 3:2 commensurability \(\dot\eta_\rm crit=126.4~(\mathrmm_J/M)^4/3\) (Quillen 2006). From Mustill and Wyatt (2011) it can be easily determined whether capture occurs for planet migrating in Types I or II regimes. For planets migrating through a gaseous disc, a non-zero eccentricity before the capture can cause the large libration amplitudes as it is observed in the HD 128311 system. Thus, when the eccentricities of the Jupiter-like planets are larger than 0.

Chest 116:355–362CrossRefPubMed”
“Introduction Fragility hip

Chest 116:355–362CrossRefPubMed”
“Introduction Fragility hip

fracture is a major cause of mortality and morbidity in the elderly. The primary goal of treatment for these fractures is to achieve stable and painless lower extremity as soon as possible. The optimal treatment for these injuries is surgery since non-operative treatment was associated with longer hospitalization, more mal-unions, and less likely to return to an independent level of functioning [1]. It is then logical to perform early surgery for medically stable patients since prolonged immobilization is likely to increase the PD 332991 chance of pulmonary and urinary complications. However, for patients with significant co-morbidities, a longer period ALK assay of

pre-operative evaluation and optimization will be required. The effect of timing of surgery on patients undergoing hip fracture surgery has been a subject of interest in the past two decades. The evidences examining the timing and outcome in hip fracture surgery have been largely prospective or retrospective cohort studies. This is due to the fact that the design of randomized controlled trials regarding surgical timing has low feasibility and is unlikely to obtain ethical approval. Patients with hip fractures are often a heterogeneous group with different co-morbidities, and the individual treatment is affected by variable confounding factors and different treatment protocols. Hence, it is not always possible to draw definite conclusions. Albeit the conflicting opinions currently

available, it is important for all health care workers involved to examine existing evidences of the effect of delay on outcomes to determine the best care for these patients. It is the purpose of this review article to highlight the knowledge acquired from current literature regarding Amrubicin the effect of delay on patients undergoing hip fracture surgery. Materials and methods We performed a literature review of publications that studied the effect of delay of surgery on hip fracture patients. PubMed was searched for medical literature published in peer-reviewed journals from 1980 to April 2010. We only included articles which provided definitions and treatment recommendations for delay in hip fracture surgery. Non-English literature was excluded. A total of 42 articles, published from June 1984 to July 2009, were identified. The following key words were used: “timing of surgery”, “surgical delay”, “hip fracture”, and various combinations of these phrases. We specifically studied four main outcome measures in these articles, which were mortality, morbidities including pulmonary and infectious complications, pressure sore incidence, and the length of hospital stay.

In CCR or CCA (carbon catabolite activation) the CcpA/HPr-Ser-P c

In CCR or CCA (carbon catabolite activation) the CcpA/HPr-Ser-P complex regulates transcription through binding to the cre-sites [46]. Most of the differential gene expression observed in our experiments could be ascribed to carbon catabolite regulation via cre-sites. CCR in E. faecalis has been studied by others, but not by transcriptomic analysis. It has been reported that enzymes for degradation of citrate, arginine, serine, galactose and glycerol are under control of CCR in E. faecalis [47–50]. This is in agreement with our finding

that these genes are up-regulated and associated with cre-sites. The metabolism of glycerol shows that MLN0128 nmr our mutants were catabolic derepressed. The consensus sequence of the extragenic putative

cre-sites compiled in this study is WTGWAARCGYWWWC, very similar to what has been reported in B. subtilis [40]. Most of the operons affected contain upstream cre-sites, but in several cases the putative cre-site is found within the open reading frames. Interestingly, three of the differentially expressed genes have the putative cre-site positioned in the intergenic region immediately downstream of the genes. Regulation of transcriptional initiation involving a 3′-cre located within the open reading frame but distantly separated from the promoter has been suggested to involve DNA looping [51]. To our knowledge, cres located downstream of the regulated gene have not been reported. Another down-regulated gene with a putative cre-site in its promoter was EF0082, encoding a major facilitator check details family transporter. The gene has also been found to be positively regulated by a PrfA-like regulator, Ers, encoded by EF0074 [52]. Altogether, transcription involving about 90 cre-sites appeared to be affected in E. faecalis by disturbing its mannose PTS. About 65% of the putatively CCR regulated

genes encode proteins involved in uptake and metabolism of alternative energy sources. It is noteworthy that a number of genes showing increased transcription Fenbendazole in our mutants encode transcription regulators suggesting that regulatory cascades are involved. Among them were EF1025 and EF1026, encoding the homologs of CcpN and Yqfl which are involved in CcpA independent CCR in B. subtilis [53]. When phosphorylated at His-15 by phosphotransfer from phosphoenolpyruvate via enzyme I, HPr has other regulatory functions. HPr-His-P reaches high levels in cells with a low energy status in response to reduced levels of glycolytic intermediates and ATP, and increased level of Pi and PEP [12]. It can by phosphorylation regulate the activity of PTSs, enzymes such as DhaK and GlpK and transcriptional regulators [13, 48, 54, 55]. Interestingly, not only the spontaneous mutants but also the mptD-inactivated mutant showed a strong reduced transcription of the mpt operon.

Meanwhile, the MGC803 and GES-1 cells treated with the prepared p

Meanwhile, the MGC803 and GES-1 cells treated with the prepared probes were used as the control group. Afterward, the cells were rinsed with phosphate buffered saline (PBS) three times and then fixed with 2.5% glutaraldehyde solution for 30 min. For nuclear counterstaining, MGC803 cells were incubated with 1 mM Hoechst 33258 in PBS for 5 min. The cells were observed and imaged using a fluorescence microscope (Nikon

TS100-F, Nikon Co., Tokyo, Japan). Preparation of gastric cancer-bearing nude mice model Pathogen-free athymic nude (nu/nu) BALB/c mice were housed in an accredited vivarium, maintained at 22°C ± 0.5°C with a 12-h light/dark cycle and were allowed to access food and water. Male athymic nude mice (4 to 6 weeks old) were used to establish subcutaneous gastric cancer models; 2 × 106 MGC803 cells suspended in 100 μL of pure DMEM were subcutaneously injected into the right anterior PI3K inhibitor flank area of each MK-8669 clinical trial mouse. Four weeks later, tumors were observed to grow to approximately 5 mm

in diameter. RGD-conjugated sGNR/MWNT nanoprobes for photoacoustic imaging Photoacoustic imaging of the study in vitro and in vivo was accomplished by a PA system (Endra Nexus 128, Endra Life Sciences, Ann Arbor, MI, USA). The excitation laser (Opotek, Carlsbad, CA, USA) is irradiated from the bottom of a hemispherical bowl, whose wavelength is tunable from 680 to 950 nm. PA characteristics of prepared nanoprobes in vitro were firstly investigated before in vivo imaging. PA intensity corresponding to different concentrations and wavelengths were studied by setting the probe in the tube. Subsequently, gastric cancer-bearing

nude mice were treated with 500 μg of prepared nanoprobes. Animal orientation and tumor position should be kept constant in the bowl during experiments to make sure that each Montelukast Sodium scan was in the same position in favor of comparison and imaging alignment. Filling the slot with distilled water provided acoustic coupling with the animal. Then, pre-injection scans and post-injection scans were both acquired when the tumor site was irradiated by the laser. The PA signals, which were received by the ultrasonic transducers, were spirally distributed on the surface of the bowl and then directed to a computer. Reconstruction of the 2D and 3D PA image was performed using Osirix imaging software (OsiriX Foundation, Geneva, Switzerland). Results and discussion Preparation and characterization of sGNR/MWNT hybrid Figure  2 showed typical transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images and high-resolution TEM (HR-TEM) images of (a, b) MWNTs, (c, d) sGNRs, and (e, f) MWNTs/sGNRs. As shown in Figure  2a, MWNTs are very pure and did not contain amorphous carbon particles, metal catalysts, etc. The average diameter of MWNTs was around 20 nm.