, 2003) An obvious question that comes out from this work is how

, 2003). An obvious question that comes out from this work is how could the activity on sodium channel inactivation be linked to penile erection? The mechanism proposed, based in all evidences shown so far, is that the persistent activation of the Na+ channels in nitrergic nerves leads to depolarization, which allows calcium influx through N-type calcium channels and consequently activation of nNOS, increasing the NO availability and resulting

in penile erection (Fig. 2). Another question is if persistent sodium channel activation drives to penile erection, why do not all sodium Docetaxel concentration channels site 3 toxins cause priapism? We do not have an ultimate answer to this question but we could speculate about the specificity of the subtype(s) of the sodium channel targeted by these toxins in CC. The sodium channels constitute a family of nine sub-types check details (Catterall et al., 2005) and it is crucial to verify which of them could be involved in erectile function. To date, from a structural point of view,

the reported toxins that undoubtedly elicit priapism, i.e., Ts3 from the yellow scorpion T. serrulatus, PnTx2-5 and PnTx2-6 from the spider P. nigriventer, have neither a distinguishable match nor a common domain that could be promptly related to the observed effect ( Fig. 3). However, all of them slowed down the fast inactivation of voltage-gated Na+ channels, an effect described for α-toxins, which bind to the site 3 of these channels (

Campos et al., 2008; Matavel et al., 2009). Both spider and scorpion toxins are basic and stable peptides, due to the high proportion of disulfide bridges. For our reviewing purposes concerning structural correlations, we compared Urease the primary sequence of Ts3 with two typical α-toxins: LqhII (from Leiurus quinquestriatus hebraeus) and AaHII (from Androctonus australis Hector) ( Fig. 3A). As recently reviewed by Gurevitz (2012), the key amino acids that respond to the observed effects of α-toxins (LqhII as reference) on Na+ channels are F15, R18, W38 and N44, on the so called “core-domain”, and K2, T57, K58 on NC-domain (five residues turn and the C-tail) ( Kahn et al., 2009). NC domain is rigorously the same in all toxins and highly conserved among other α-scorpion toxins (data not shown). On the other hand, comparing the core-domain of Lqh2 and Ts3, there is only one amino acid that matches, which is the conserved Trp in the correspondent position (W40 in Ts3 or W38 in LqhII). Ts3 also has: (a) Ile instead of Phe in position 15, (b) Asn instead of Arg in position 18 and (c) no correspondent amino acid in position N44. Such differences may account for the different effects of these toxins, since the purified AaHII and LqhII have never been described to cause priapism.

, 2007, Babel et al , 2009 and Anderson et al , 2011) have greatl

, 2007, Babel et al., 2009 and Anderson et al., 2011) have greatly accelerated the pace at which candidate TAAs are currently being discovered. However, a major bottleneck is the rigorous clinical validation of these candidates in order to establish their true clinical utility and significance. A high- throughput validation method is desperately needed for testing the plethora of discovered or partially validated serological biomarkers, such as TAAs, which are being reported for various cancers

with potential use in diagnostics (Reuschenbach et al., GDC0199 2009 and Creeden et al., 2011). When moving to clinical studies on very large and diverse patient populations, it would be desirable to screen as many candidate TAAs as practical, since diagnostic performance

of biomarkers under these rigorous conditions cannot always be predicted (in fact, a great many biomarkers fail at this stage). Furthermore, it is increasingly clear that due to the heterogeneity of human cancers, panels or signatures of biomarkers, including different classes of biomarkers, will be required for optimal diagnostic performance in the ultimate clinical assay. The VeraCode™ bead-based, multiplexed, solid-phase immunoassay method reported here is ideally suited both for clinical validation and diagnostic detection of serological biomarker panels or signatures, including autoantibodies against TAAs as well as non-antibody protein biomarkers. Technical validation of the tumor biomarker assay itself is R428 mouse a critical step in either the development of clinical test (Marchio et al., 2011). We first validated the VeraCode™ technology for serological immunoassays by comparison to the gold

standard and clinically accepted ELISA method. For detection of autoantibodies against TAAs, VeraCode™ results obtained using both a commercial recombinant or a cell-free produced p53 protein compared well to the ELISA data (96% “hit” concordance in CRC) confirming the validity of the method. Indeed, the only discordance occurred where the VeraCode™ immunoassays were able to reproducibly detect two additional low-positive, statistically valid CRC hits (4% increase in diagnostic sensitivity). This increased sensitivity is likely the result of decreased background in the normal patient samples relative to the p53-positive samples, particularly with the recombinant protein (see Fig. 2 middle panel). A basis for this low background may be the relatively “bio-friendly”, hydrophilic glass bead surface as opposed to the hydrophobic polystyrene ELISA plates. As additional technical validation, it should be noted that the overall diagnostic sensitivity of the p53 VeraCode™ assay for CRC (15% in above experiments) is in excellent agreement with literature reports (average of 8% and maximum of 24% sensitive in systematic survey (Reuschenbach et al., 2009)).

After the standardization of the best conditions for LmLAAO (desc

After the standardization of the best conditions for LmLAAO (described above), the assay was performed using Tris–HCl 50 mmol/L at pH 8.0 and different concentrations of l-Leucine (0.3–2.3 mmol/L). The LmLAAO concentration remained constant at 4.4 nmol/L. The reaction was maintained at 37 °C, and after 1 h, was interrupted by the addition of

50 μL of H2SO4 (2 mol/L). The absorbance was monitored at 492 nm using 630 nm as reference. The homogeneity of fractions from each chromatographic step, as well as of purified LAAO, was assessed by SDS-PAGE on 10% polyacrylamide gel as described by Laemmli (1970). Molar mass standards (PAGE Ruler™ Fermentas or GE cod. 17-0615-01) were run to allow molar mass determination. The gels were stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250. The SCH772984 datasheet molecular mass of LmLAAO was also determined by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. For protein

mass determination, mixtures of 0.5 μL sinapinic acid and 0.5 μL of sample were spotted onto a MALDI target, dried, and analyzed in positive linear mode on the AB 4800-Plus instrument (ABSciex). Spectra were acquired in the m/z range of 20,000–150,000, with focus at 70,000 and at a laser intensity of 4200 and 500 shots per spectrum. Bovine serum albumin (ABSciex) was used for external calibration in linear mode. The isotope-averaged molecular mass value was obtained by centroid function of the major monocharged species. The isoelectric point of LmLAAO was determined using the method described by Selleckchem Epigenetics Compound Library Arantes et al. (1994). The sequence determination of the first forty residues from the N-terminus of LmLAAO was performed on Shimadzu

protein sequencer Automatic System (PPSQ-33A). The sequence was obtained by the method of Edman degradation (Edman and Begg, 1967). The pair of venom glands was obtained immediately after the natural death of the L. muta snake, which was kept in the Ezequiel Dias Foundation (Belo Horizonte, Brazil). Total RNA was isolated following the procedure described Flavopiridol (Alvocidib) by Chirgwin et al. (1979). The purification of RNA was made in a column of oligo-dT cellulose (Amersham Biosciences) and its integrity was evaluated in vitro using rabbit reticulocyte lysate ( Pelham and Jackson, 1976). The cDNA was synthesized from 5 mg mRNA using System for cDNA Synthesis and Cloning (Invitrogen), directionally cloned in plasmid pGEM11Zf + (Promega) and transformed into E. coli DH5α, as described in Junqueira-de-Azevedo and Ho (2002). For DNA sequencing on a large scale (generating ESTs – Expressed Sequence Tags), random clones were cultured for 22 h in medium containing antibiotic and plasmid DNA was isolated using alkaline lysis as described by Junqueira-de-Azevedo et al. (2006). Then, the DNA was sequenced in ABI 3100 sequencer using BigDye2 kit (Applied Biosystems) primer standard M13. The ESTs generated were compared with databases such as GenBank via Blast tool (http://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.

Irrespective of tissues targeted, the short-term and long-term ef

Irrespective of tissues targeted, the short-term and long-term effects of HIF stabilizing compounds on the human body will have to be carefully evaluated in clinical trials and through

well-controlled physiologic studies in normal individuals. Recognize the role of HIF-2 as a central regulator of hypoxia-induced erythropoiesis. Molecular and cellular mechanism underlying the pathogenesis of renal anemia. The author serves on the Scientific Advisory Board of Akebia Therapeutics, a company that develops prolyl-4-hydroxylase inhibitors for the treatment of anemia. The author is supported by the Daporinad Krick-Brooks chair in Nephrology and by grants from the National Institutes of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). “
“Autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) is a group of uncommon disorders characterized by hemolysis due to autoantibodies against red blood cell surface antigens. The autoantibodies may be warm-reactive with a temperature optimum at 37 °C or cold-reactive with a temperature optimum way below the normal body temperature. AIHA can be classified, accordingly, into warm and cold reactive antibody types and further subdivided based on the presence of underlying or associated disorders. A widely accepted

classification is shown in Table 1.[1], [2] and [3] Altogether, the cold-reactive types probably account for about 25% of all AIHA.[1] and [2] The involved autoantibodies are cold agglutinins (CA), defined by their ability to agglutinate Selleck Dabrafenib Cobimetinib datasheet erythrocytes at an optimum temperature of 0–4 °C (Fig. 1).[4] and [5] Most CAs are of the immunoglobulin(Ig)M class, although IgG or IgA CAs are occasionally found.[5] and [6] The pathogenesis and management

of AIHA differ substantially depending of the characteristics of the autoantibody and, therefore, a correct and precise diagnosis of the subtype has critical therapeutic consequences. Particularly in primary cold agglutinin disease (CAD), considerable progress has been made during the last 1–2 decades in the knowledge of clinical features, humoral and cellular immunology and bone marrow pathology.[4], [6], [7], [8] and [9] Therapy for primary CAD was largely unsuccessful until 10 years ago, but efficient treatment options have now become available.10 The term ‘cold (hem)agglutinin disease’ (CAD, CHAD) is sometimes used in a broad sense as a synonym for cold agglutinin syndrome (CAS), including all types of cold antibody AIHA.[3], [11], [12], [13] and [14] We and others prefer to use the term CAD in a narrow sense, synonymous with primary chronic CAD.[1], [10] and [15] This particular, well-defined and well-characterized clinicopathological entity should be called a disease, not syndrome. Although this review will concentrate on primary chronic CAD, we will also discuss the diagnosis and management of acute and chronic secondary CAS. Mixed-type AIHA and paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria will not be addressed.

When trying to establish that a certain quantitative


When trying to establish that a certain quantitative

relationship between ongoing alpha and P1 amplitude exists at least two different aspects must be considered. On the one hand, task type – as described in the previous section – changes the direction of poststimulus reactivity in a complex but predictable way. On the other hand, if early evoked responses are generated/influenced at least in part by ongoing alpha, P1 amplitude will not only depend on alpha power but also by the extent of phase locking of ongoing EX527 alpha activity. As a consequence, any simple prediction in the sense that the P1 will be positively or negatively related to prestimulus power must fail if the functionality of alpha (depending on the type of cognitive demand)

and the extent of phase locking are ignored. A good example, demonstrating this problem, is the issue of phase reset. If the influence of task type is not considered, a positive relationship between ongoing oscillatory activity and the amplitude of the evoked response is predicted. The central hypothesis then is that ongoing oscillatory activity simply resets the phase to a certain value (e.g., to the positive peak) in response to the presentation of a stimulus. Thus, if a positive relationship between the amplitude of ongoing oscillatory activity and the amplitude of the evoked response cannot be observed, this is taken as evidence against phase reset (cf. e.g., Becker et al. 2007). Although there is good evidence for phase reset (e.g., Fell et al., 2004, Hanslmayr et al., 2007b and Lakatos et al., 2005), buy PLX4032 a proof is very difficult because of methodological reasons (for critical reviews see Sauseng et al., 2007 and Klimesch et al., 2006). It is important, however, to emphasize that phase reset is only one and a very specific mechanism that can be derived and predicted from an oscillatory ERP model (for a review see Klimesch et al 2007b). Other mechanisms are e.g., evoked oscillations (i.e. an oscillation is elicited by stimulation), prestimulus phase alignment or any type of the influence of (peristimulus) phase

on ERPs and performance. In agreement old with this notion, several studies have shown that the phase of ongoing alpha oscillations has an influence on ERPs and on task performance (for more recent studies see e.g., Busch et al., 2009, Busch and VanRullen, 2010, Mathewson et al., 2009, Makeig et al., 2002 and Lakatos et al., 2008). In addition, it has also been demonstrated that increased alpha phase locking is associated with good performance (e.g., Klimesch et al., 2004 and Yamagishi et al., 2008). The conclusion, thus, is that the investigation of a quantitative relationship must be based on at least the following two requirements, the control of task type and phase. The latter is difficult, but can be based on the following considerations.

3 The wasps’ critical thermal maximum (CTmax)

3. The wasps’ critical thermal maximum (CTmax) C646 cell line was assessed following a standardized method of driving a temperature ramp from 25 ° to 53 °C at a dT = 0.25 °C min−1 (e.g. Chown et al., 2009, Stevens et al.,

2010 and Terblanche and Chown, 2010). The CTmax was defined via observation of activity (activity CTmax, cease of controlled motoric activity, e.g. start of muscle spasms, for further information see Hazell et al., 2008, Klok and Chown, 1997, Lighton and Turner, 2004 and Lutterschmidt and Hutchison, 1997), and via thermolimit respirometry (respiratory CTmax, cease of cyclic gas exchange, Lighton and Turner, 2004). The absolute difference sum of CO2 production (rADS) is a measure of cumulative dynamic variability ( Lighton and Turner, 2004). To determine the respiratory CTmax more

accurately, the inflection point of the rADS residual values from 10 min before to 10 min after the suggested activity CTmax was determined. This inflection point helps to determine the minute point of the respiratory CTmax. For detailed information on the procedure and detailed comparison among different methods see Stevens et al. (2010). As the yellowjackets were collected during foraging at a feeding station and were provided with food in the measurement chamber they had sufficient energy reserves to survive the experimental periods. Before starting the experiments RGFP966 chemical structure their mean body weight was 0.1019 g. On average the individuals were slightly lighter after the experiments (−7.9 mg, see Table 1). Some wasps left the measurement chamber even heavier than they entered it. After being inserted into the measurement chamber the wasps were generally agitated and very active. At this point the CO2

production was high (Fig. 1A) and the individuals were highly endothermic (Fig. 2A). After some time the wasps calmed down and were “at rest” with a strongly decreased metabolic rate. This is represented in the gas exchange pattern (Fig. 1B) as well as in body temperature (Fig. 2B). Individuals were not resting over the entire period of the experiment. Except for the lowest temperature (Ta = 2.9 °C) almost all wasps sometimes showed some kind of activity, be it self-grooming, feeding or just relocating inside the chamber. At high experimental temperatures (Ta ⩾ 27.6 °C) some individuals were not inactive for 10 min Methisazone between active periods. In these cases we had to reduce the minimal interval for “rest” to 5 min. Although being obviously resting, the wasps were not always ectothermic (Fig. 3). Between 15 °C and 30 °C some individuals showed a slightly elevated Tth over the Tab (thoracic temperature excess up to 0.6 °C), nevertheless sitting motionless over long periods and matching our definition of being “at rest” ( Fig. 2C). Below 15 °C most individuals were ectothermic, again with some individuals deviating from the main fraction, especially at temperatures of 10 °C and below.

They concluded that several mechanisms could be contributing diff

They concluded that several mechanisms could be contributing differently in various regions, depending for Selleckchem PLX3397 instance on the brain vessel size [20]. Compared to these previous studies, our samples of professional divers were younger in age and it is very important to show these brain hemodynamic changes in an age-group where it is not expected to have senile atherosclerotic changes yet. Not only have they been evaluated in brain hemodynamics, but also there are some previous evidence which show that some other brain damages are more prevalent in divers including abnormalities of the electroencephalogram (EEG) [21] and [22] and even impaired function in some cognitive domains [23] and [24]. By contrast

to the divers, no brain hemodynamic abnormality was detected within pilots’ group. Even though the pilots were significantly more aged than the divers, measured flow velocities were higher and the mean

RI and PI were lower which are in favor of a better brain hemodynamic. It must be noted that the other well-known risk factors for cerebrovascular events such as lipid profile, family history of stroke, myocardial infarction, diabetes mellitus. hypertension, and smoking history were not significantly different between two groups of study. However, after controlling for age, still a significant reverse correlation was also detected between index of total working and mean flow velocity of right MCA in pilots demonstrating that the higher the working duration and height of pilotage are, the lower flow velocities are expected which could be explained by hopoxic hypobaric effects of their working condition. Although not VE-821 mouse as strong as the divers, this association may be implied as the effect of pilots’ chronic hypobaric condition. Although our study has some limitations including cross-sectional design and small sample size, it must be taken into account that our TCD findings could explain some of the long-term clinical symptoms commonly reported among professional divers. In conclusion, chronic exposure to the hyperbaric condition of diving seems to have some probable effects on brain

hemodynamics in the long-term which ID-8 are in favor of decreasing blood flow and increasing of RI and PI. It is strongly recommended to evaluate the changes of brain hemodynamics in this working group (diving) by performing some longitudinal studies assessing the alteration of TCD indexes over the time in divers. The authors would like to thank Dr Elham Rahmani and Dr Somayyeh Barati for their help and support in the study performance. The authors would also like to appreciate Research Deputy of AJA University of Medical Sciences for the financial support. “
“Transcranial Doppler (TCD) is a sensitive and specific test for brain death diagnosis [1]. Cerebral circulatory arrest is initially associated with Doppler evidence of oscillatory movement of blood in the large arteries at the base of the brain, but net flow is zero.

e Eq (21)) have been observed to accurately predict non-ideal s

e. Eq. (21)) have been observed to accurately predict non-ideal solution behavior in multi-solute solutions using only single-solute data, it would be useful to compare the accuracy of the predictions of these three models in as many multi-solute solutions of cryobiological interest as possible. Such information could be used to help choose the optimal model for working with a given solution system of interest. Limited comparisons between these solution theories selleck have been made in the past [3], [14], [21] and [55],

but these have been restricted to only a few of the multi-solute systems for which data are available in the literature, and none have directly compared the molality- and mole fraction-based forms of the multi-solute osmotic virial equation. There has yet to be a comprehensive quantitative study comparing the abilities of all three of these models to predict non-ideal multi-solute solution behavior for the range of available cryobiologically-relevant multi-solute data in which the predictions of all three models are based on a single consistent set of binary solution data. Such a study is the ultimate goal of this work; however, there are some issues that must first be addressed. Solute-specific coefficients are available in the literature for a variety of solutes this website for both the multi-solute osmotic virial equation [55] and the freezing point summation model [38] and [75]. However, the binary solution

data sets used to curve-fit for these coefficients are not consistent—i.e. different data sets were used to obtain the

osmotic virial coefficients than were used to obtain the freezing point summation coefficients, and, in fact, only half of the solutes which have had osmotic virial coefficients determined have had freezing point summation coefficients determined. As such, before comparing the predictions made by the three non-ideal models being studied here, solute-specific coefficients will need to be curve-fit for each model for all solutes PtdIns(3,4)P2 of interest using a single consistent collection of binary solution data sets. Additionally, it should be noted that the mole fraction-based osmotic virial coefficients previously presented by Prickett et al. [55] were not curve-fit using Eq. (8) to convert between osmolality and osmole fraction; rather, the following conversion equation was used equation(27) π̃=M1x1π. Eq. (27) arises from an a priori assumption that is true only under very specific conditions, namely, an ideal dilute solution if the relationship between osmole fraction and chemical potential is defined as in this paper and in reference [14] (the relationship is not given in reference [55]). Since the conversion between osmolality and osmole fraction is useful only in non-ideal circumstances and we have carefully defined all of the surrounding relationships in this work, we suggest that Eq. (27) not be used. Accordingly, we have herein used Eq.

Proteomic analyses have allowed the identification and quantifica

Proteomic analyses have allowed the identification and quantification of thousands of proteins from complex

mixtures together with the determination of their modifications (i.e., PTMs) or protein–protein interactions. A typical workflow requires four consecutive steps: sample preparation, protein/peptide separation, mass spectrometry (MS) analysis and finally bioinformatics data processing. The most popular approach, referred to as shotgun or bottom-up, involves the enzymatic digestion of protein samples into peptides. After an overview of the current proteomics methods, we will highlight some of the key proteomic contributions to PD selleck compound research. Given the current limitations of animal models of PD, which still cannot recapitulate all clinical and neuropathological features associated with sporadic PD [85] and [187], this section will

cover human sample-based proteomic analyses only. Because the availability of tissue samples from disease sites is still limited, most proteomic BKM120 in vitro studies have relied on the analysis of autopsy tissues from various brain structures as well as biological fluids such as cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) or blood supposed to reflect the disease state (Fig. 1). CSF is an excellent source of diagnostic biomarker as it is in close proximity to the degenerating brain structures and may thus directly reflect its biochemical state under pathological conditions. CSF collection through lumbar puncture necessitates the intervention of a trained specialist and is not without risk for the patient, which may preclude its use for routine screening. Blood – and its subcomponents plasma, serum and peripheral mononuclear cells – can be easily obtained with very little discomfort for the patient and is expected to reflect pathological brain perturbations through disruption of or passage across the blood–brain barrier. Blood analysis Interleukin-3 receptor remains challenging given its complexity, as blood proteins are derived from all perfused

organs and cell types, its high dynamic range of protein concentrations which may vary by up to 1012, and the presence of a few highly abundant proteins (i.e., 12 proteins) constituting most of the total blood protein content (i.e., 95%) [188]. Urine and saliva have sometimes been used in the field of neurodegenerative disease proteomics. Although they can be easily obtained and collected non-invasively, their analysis is still associated to technical difficulties due notably to their low protein content or high inter- and intra-individual variability. The preparation of such samples necessitates specific precautions to prevent any analytical bias and allow reproducible comparisons between samples especially regarding their collection, handling and storage [189].

Thus, these results suggest that MEFs have more BaP metabolising

Thus, these results suggest that MEFs have more BaP metabolising potential than ES cells and that the level of Cyp1a1 expression can help to explain the differences in BaP–DNA adduct formation between both cell types. However, the lack of a suitable/sensitive antibody did not allow us to verify these results at the protein level of Cyp1a1 and it may be important to point out that gene expression does not always correlate with protein expression.

Nqo1 mRNA expression was induced after BaP exposure both in ES cells and MEFs ( ABT-737 ic50 Fig. 6A and B), which is in line with previous studies using other mammalian cells ( Hockley et al., 2006 and Hockley et al., 2008). It is noteworthy that in the ToxTracker assay BaP required the addition of an exogenous metabolic activation system (i.e. liver S9 mix) to induce reporter activation in mouse ES Bscl2-tagged reporter

cells ( Hendriks et al., 2012), suggesting there are differences in the metabolic competence of ES cells of different origin. Bioactivation of 3-NBA is catalysed by nitroreductases such as NQO1 leading to N-hydroxy-3-aminobenzanthrone (N-OH-3-ABA) ( Arlt et al., 2005 and Stiborova et al., 2010). Further activation of N-OH-3ABA by N-acetyltransferases and/or sulfotransferases leads to the formation of reactive N-acetoxy and/or sulfooxy ester capable of forming DNA adducts ( Fig. 1B) ( Arlt et al., selleck screening library 2002). While BaP had only a small effect on cell viability in ES cells, 3-NBA was highly toxic to these cells; viability was already by ∼50% at 2 μM of 3-NBA ( Fig. 2C). In comparison, 3-NBA treatment had little effect on cell viability in MEFs ( Fig. 2D). The DNA adduct pattern induced by 3-NBA in ES cells and MEFs was the same, consisting of 4 major adducts ( Fig. 3C and D). Three C1GALT1 of these adducts were previously identified as 2′(2′-deoxyadenosine-N6-yl)-3-aminobenzanthrone (dA-N6-3-ABA; spot N1), N-(2′-deoxyguanosine-N2-yl)-3-aminobenzanthrone (dG-N2-3-ABA; spot N3), and N-(2′-deoxyguanosin-8-yl)-3-aminobenzanthrone (dG-C8-N-3-ABA; spot N4) ( Arlt et al., 2006 and Gamboa da Costa et al., 2009). DNA adduct

formation by 3-NBA was time- and concentration dependent ( Fig. 3C and D). In MEFs 3-NBA-induced DNA adduct formation was higher after 48 h, while adduct levels in ES cells were lower after 48 h. It is possible that DNA adduct formation in ES cells might have been compromised by the high level of cytotoxicity at 48 h. Using Western blot analysis we observed an increase in p53 protein expression in both cell types, but the downstream target p21 was only strongly induced in 3-NBA-treated ES cells ( Fig. 4A and B). A strong p53 response has also been observed in other mammalian cells after 3-NBA treatment ( Landvik et al., 2010). Further, it has been shown previously that 3-NBA induces a DNA damage response characterised by phosphorylation of ATM, Chk2/Chk1 and p53 ( Oya et al., 2011), suggesting that 3-NBA-induced cell death, as seen in the ES cells (compare Fig.