The dye solutions (1 0 × 10−4 mol L−1) were incubated with differ

The dye solutions (1.0 × 10−4 mol L−1) were incubated with different volumes of S9 mixture, varying between 50 and 500 μL, for 90 min at 37 °C. Due to precipitation of the S9 proteins, interference in the spectrophotometric determination was observed. BI 6727 order It was thus decided to extract the product of the reaction between the dye and S9, by shaking briefly with three 3 mL aliquots of dichloromethane. After completely drying each extract at room temperature, methanol was added to resuspend it, and the spectrometric analyses then carried out. The products formed from reactions with the S9 system were monitored by High Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled to a Diode Array detector (HPLC/DAD)

(Shimadzu SCL-10AVR HP and 8453, respectively). The spectrophotometric measurements were made using a Hewlett Packard spectrophotometer. The conditions for the HPLC/DAD were:

mobile phase acetonitrile: water (80:20 v/v), flow 1 mL/min, injection volume of 20 mL, room temperature and a Varian G-ODS (C18) separation column (4 × 250 mm, 5 mm). The solution of the dye DR1 was prepared in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) containing 0.1 mol L−1 tetrabutylammonium tetrafluoroborate (TBABF4) as the supporting electrolyte. For the reductive process, nitrogen (99.7% purity) was bubbled into the dye solution for 10 min to remove the oxygen. A three-electrode system was used with a gold wire as the working electrode, a platinum wire as the auxiliary electrode and an Ag/AgCl (3 mol L−1) electrode as the reference electrode. The spectra SB-3CT were monitored until the reaction was stabilized, with measurements every 10 min. The oxidation and reduction reactions were carried out

at a potential of +1.5 and −1.5 V, respectively. The concentration of the DR1 dye in the solution was monitored by measuring changes in the absorbance at specified time intervals, using a Hewlett Packard 8453 diode array spectrophotometer operating at wavelengths between 200 and 1200 nm. All the electrochemical measurements were carried out using a Potentiostat EG&G model 283 (PAR) in a conventional 10.0 mL electrochemical cell into which the following three electrodes were inserted: an Ag/AgCl (KCl 3.0 mol L−1) reference electrode, a platinum gauze as the auxiliary electrode and a glassy carbon working electrode (area of 3.14 mm2 for the voltammetric measurements and 4 cm2 for the electrolysis experiments). The voltammetric curves were obtained by transferring 10 mL of methanol/0.01 mol L−1 tetrabutylammonium tetrafluoroborate solution into the voltammetric cell, and the required volume of the stock solution of the original dye DR 1 and its reduction and oxidation products, separately, were added using a micropipette. The solution was purged with nitrogen for 15 min and the voltammetric curves were recorded.

Amino acid metabolism pathways appear to be more downregulated in

Amino acid metabolism pathways appear to be more downregulated in testes, but central genes such as the GOT1 (Glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase 1) gene are downregulated both in ovary and testis. Compared to ovaries and testes, much fewer genes were found to learn more be significantly

regulated in the frontal tissue. This is, at least in part, caused by the nature of this tissue section, which contains a number of different tissue types. Based on morphology, this selection of tissue contains not only neuronal, (endo and exocrine) glandular tissues but also muscle, subcuticular tissue and the anterior part of the gut. This observation is confirmed by the transcription of gene hallmark to subcuticular tissues: vitellogenins and muscle: actin, tropomyosin and titin. However, upregulated genes in the frontal tissue also included genes expected to be found in neuronal tissue such as GABA receptor (subunit: alpha), glycine and glutamate receptors, rhodopsin found in the eye and a chloride channel (bestrophin). Transcripts from the frontal tissue are Z-VAD-FMK molecular weight good candidates for products that could be excreted by the salmon louse and act as potential modulators of the host fish. Candidates for such genes

are upregulated genes annotated as angiotensin-converting enzyme and calmodilin. When identifying genes regulated in the intestine the transcription patterns for the subcuticular tissue was considered relative to all tissues except the frontal tissue, as this may contain intestine tissue contaminants (see Material and methods). Among the upregulated Pembrolizumab clinical trial genes we found several proteases (e.g. carboxypeptidase A, cathepsins, elastase, neprilysin and trypsins) and other genes (e.g. Lipase, CD63, fadD and oligotransporters) associated with pancreatic secretion, protein and lipid digestion and lysosomal activity.

However, genes encoding protein components in the apical complex of the lysosomes were downregulated. The previously characterized trypsins, LsTryp1–5 (Kvamme et al., 2004) were among the genes with high relative expression in the gut along with a high affinity copper uptake protein. In addition 2 MFS solute transporters (gradient driven) and an aquaporin were upregulated relative to the other tissues. Genes involved in both glycogen synthesis (KO0500, e.g. glycogen synthetase) and metabolism (e.g. glycogen debranching enzyme and glycogen phosphorylase) and genes involved in synthesis of Triacylglycerol (TAG) are not significantly differentially expressed compared to other tissues. 28 cytochrome P450 (CYP) genes, commonly involved in oxidation of metabolic intermediates including lipids and xenobiotic substances, are upregulated in the gut, whereas no CYP genes are upregulated in other tissues.

As reported earlier by us, the strongest evidence is with regard

As reported earlier by us, the strongest evidence is with regard to LGG. In hospitalized children, the use of LGG reduced the overall incidence of healthcare-associated diarrhea, including rotavirus gastroenteritis. Evidence limited to one RCT suggests the efficacy of B. bifidum & Str. thermophilus. Other studied probiotics, i.e., L. reuteri DSM 17938 and L. delbrueckii H2B20, were ineffective. However, again, the evidence is limited to single trials only. This systematic review adds to previously published data, as it allowed identification of all probiotics whose efficacy for preventing nosocomial infections has been assessed. Thus, in addition to LGG, the efficacy of which was reported by us previously

[8], we included data on other microorganisms. This see more is valuable as, worldwide, the availability of probiotic products differs. Thus, our systematic review may have practical implications. It allows one to answer the question of which of the locally buy Dabrafenib available probiotics, if any, are effective. In contrast to the authors of many other meta-analyses, we abstained from pooling data on different probiotics. This is because it has been repeatedly questioned, also by our group, whether it is appropriate to pool data on different probiotic microorganisms [18]. We

strongly support the view that pooling data from different genera, species, and strains may result in misleading conclusions. Efforts were made to identify all published evidence. For example, we searched several databases with no language restrictions. However, the possibility of missing data cannot be excluded. Publication bias remains

a possible source of important bias. To our knowledge, except for our review on the efficacy of LGG [8] there are no other systematic reviews that have focused exclusively on the effectiveness of probiotics for the prevention of healthcare-associated diarrhea in hospitalized children. In the absence of other effective measures, evidence supporting the use of LGG to reduce the risk of healthcare-associated diarrhea is encouraging. With regard to the other probiotics studied, data, whether positive or negative, are too limited to draw reliable conclusions. In the future, after a more universal introduction of rotavirus vaccination, the burden of nosocomial diarrhea and responsible many pathogens may change as recently documented. In some countries, such as the US, norovirus has emerged as the leading cause of medically attended gastroenteritis [19]. If so, the efficacy of probiotics for preventing nosocomial diarrhea needs to be reassessed. Further studies are also recommended to address the cost-effectiveness of using LGG, or other probiotics with documented efficacy, for the prevention of healthcare-associated diarrhea. Although none of the included studies reported adverse events, standardized and clear adverse event reporting is essential for future trials.

In a number of EU countries, including Belgium, Germany, the Neth

In a number of EU countries, including Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, the promotion of offshore wind energy has been a strong driving force behind the development of national MSP frameworks [25], [27] and [28]. The growing interest in offshore renewable energy represents a response to anticipated economic benefits in terms of job creation and stimulating growth, as well as concerns over energy security [29] and [30]. It is also a response to obligations under the EU Renewable Energy Directive (Directive 2009/28/EC), which is a key component of the EU Climate and Energy Pack adopted in 2008 to contribute to EU’s fulfilment of Kyoto Protocol objectives. The Pack

includes a legally binding obligation to increase the share of renewables to 20% of total energy consumption in the EU by 2020. The Renewable Energy Selleck SB203580 Directive was adopted to address this obligation. Under this directive, Member States are required to meet its national overall target for the share of energy from renewable sources in 2020, which is set out in Annex I of the Directive. Each Member State is also required to adopt a national renewable energy action plan, providing projections for the share of renewable energy consumed in electricity, transport and heating/cooling sectors in 2020 (Table S1, Supplementary Material). According to the submitted

national renewable energy action plans, Epacadostat nmr EU Member States are planning to install 44.2 GW of offshore wind energy and 2.3 GW of tidal, wave and ocean energy Idoxuridine in 2020 (increased from 2.6 and 0.2 GW in 2010), which accounts for 12.2% of total renewable electricity capacity, or 5.2% of total renewable energy (including

transport and heating/cooling) in 2020 [31]. As the offshore renewable industry grows, the spatial requirements are likely to have significant effects on other uses of the sea, such as fishing and navigation [32]. There are also potential tensions between offshore renewable developments and Natura 2000 sites [29]. How such conflicts are addressed will have major implications for MSP, which will be discussed in the next section. The reform of the CFP will have a significant effect on the implementation of other EU policies, particularly the Birds and Habitats Directives and the MSFD. A key difference between the CFP and other policy drivers discussed in this paper is that the European Commission has exclusive competence through the CFP for managing fisheries beyond 12 nautical miles in Member States’ EEZs. This is based on the recognition that fisheries in a given Member State’s waters have long been accessed by fishermen from other Member States, therefore fisheries regulation would benefit from an EU-wide approach, achieved through a number of regulations and Council Decisions adopted under the CFP. The CFP was officially established in 1983, and is currently undergoing a reform process. The revised CFP is expected to enter into force during 2013.

Bulk water content is therefore an inadequate predictor of ice st

Bulk water content is therefore an inadequate predictor of ice structure and vein size. Time dependent diffusion measurements have the advantage of providing quantitative values for physical microstructural parameters (S/Vp and α) relevant to liquid water vein dimensions and corresponding ice crystal sizes. However, experimental

acquisition times can be long (∼8 h). T2 relaxation time measurements on the other hand have the advantage of short (∼2 min) acquisition times and can provide quantitative values of S/Vp given the surface relaxivity ρ [35]. Surface relaxivity is not an easy parameter check details to measure. Here, we utilize the quantitative S/Vp obtained from the time dependent diffusion

data in Fig. 3 and measured T2 values to calculate ρ via the relationship 1/T2 ∼ ρS/Vp. This is possible, despite the inherent relaxation weighting in PGSE NMR measurements of diffusion that is not present in T2 relaxation measurements [35], due to the low susceptibility between solid ice and liquid water [18]. Further, the value of ρ was found at both short and long aging times small molecule library screening ( Fig. 3) and is independent of aging time. As such, the surface relaxivity can be used to calculate S/Vp from T2 values acquired at aging times where D (t) data was not available. The surface relaxivity for the ice control sample was found to be 1.5 × 10−5 m s−1. Interestingly, ρ for the rIBP(2) and rIBP(4) samples were 2.6 × 10−5 and 1.6 × 10−5 m s−1 respectively, indicating that the IBP attached to the ice crystal surface may change the measured surface relaxivity. Fig. 4 shows lp(∼Vp/S) calculated from the T2 measurements ( Fig.

2) as a function of aging pheromone for the ice control and rIBP samples. As was inferred from Fig. 2, the ice control lacking protein showed increasing pore lengthscales with aging, consistent with crystal growth and subsequent increases in vein dimensions. With increasing concentrations of IBP, smaller lp was observed due to the presence smaller crystal sizes, indicating increased inhibition of recrystallization processes. These results demonstrate the ability of non-destructive NMR relaxation and time dependent diffusion measurements to characterize the unfrozen vein network structure and crystal growth processes in ice, as well as its evolution with time. This provides a new quantitative analytical method to assess the impact of biomolecules on ice structure during freezing processes relevant to biotechnological applications. Microbial extracellular IBPs were found to inhibit recrystallization and modify the three dimensional ice structure, resulting in persistent small size ice crystals (observed up to 70 days) and shorter diffusion distances along veins.

In both communities, their fishing activities have been exposed b

In both communities, their fishing activities have been exposed both to major and minor cyclones over the past 30 years (Table 2). Super cyclonic storms have caused major destruction. During Sidr 90% of boats and gear were destroyed or severely damaged in Padma and 125 fishery-dependent people died. During Gorki 9 such people died in Kutubdia Para but no one died in 1997. Each year 5–7 minor cyclones affect fishing in the two communities by creating the abandonment of fishing trips,

and sometimes damaging boats or killing fishermen. Amongst all fishery-dependent households, 89% and 34% are involved see more in fishing activities in Padma and Kutubdia Para, respectively. The heads of these households are boat owners, boat captains or fishermen from whom data were collected. Ninety-nine per cent of these household heads are male. A multi-method approach that combines both qualitative and quantitative methods was used to collect data during October 2010 and between Alectinib nmr February and July 2011. Structured household questionnaires (89

in Padma and 34 in Kutubdia Para) were used to collect quantitative and qualitative livelihood data from randomly selected participants. Oral history interviews (20 in Padma and 10 in Kutubdia Para) were also employed to gather rich, detailed and contextually grounded qualitative data on adaptation to climate variability and change, and limits and barriers to such Etomidate adaptation across the two communities. For this purpose the cooperative and enthusiastic heads representing different fishing actor groups

were interviewed. To triangulate the above data vulnerability matrices (5 in Padma and 4 in Kutubdia Para) and focus group discussions (FGDs) (5 in Padma and 4 in Kutubdia Para) were also used. For each vulnerability matrix or FGD a relatively homogenous group was formed from the fishery-dependent households based on their livelihood portfolios, which aimed to sample representatively across each community. Within a group 6–8 cooperative and enthusiastic household heads were selected. Quantitative data were analysed using descriptive statistics. Qualitative data were transcribed in original language (Bengali) and analysed using coding techniques, cf. [57] before translation. Cyclones are identified in both communities as the main climatic shocks impacting on fishing activities. To cope with and adapt to them people use many strategies that are constrained by a number of limits and barriers (Table 3). In what follows, how adaptation strategies are constrained by limits and barriers as well as interactions between them are discussed. The Bay of Bengal is a major cyclone prone area in the world [58]. The participants have found that the rate and duration of cyclones have increased over the past 20–30 years.

To demonstrate the usefulness of such a relation, we show below

To demonstrate the usefulness of such a relation, we show below

a two-stage algorithm for estimating POM. We took the average value of POM/SPM for our whole dataset (0.795) as the boundary value to help distinguish between the two classes of particle populations. We classified particle populations with POM/SPM > 0.795 as class I (or organic-dominated class), and particle populations with POM/SPM < 0.795 as class II (or mixed class). On the basis of this division we were able to calculate a pair of relationships similar to that in equation Ganetespib in vivo (2). For class I particles (organic-dominated class) the first relationship takes the form equation(6a) POM=1.62[bp(650)]0.901(r2=0.76;MNB=7.4%;NRMSE=45.8%;n=148),and BLZ945 molecular weight for class II (mixed sample class) the second relationship is as follows: equation(6b) POM=1.27[bp(650)]0.766(r2=0.70;MNB=9.5%;NRMSE=57.3%;n=75).Having established the above relations, we construct a two-stage algorithm to estimate POM. In the first step we propose using the values of ap(440) and ap(400) and equation (5) to estimate POM/SPM, and on the basis of this estimated value, to classify our particular case as class I or class II. Then, in the second step, we can calculate the value of POM according to equation (6a) or (6b), depending on the result of the first step of the classification.

Here we must bear in mind that in certain situations the first step of this procedure may mean that some cases will be erroneously classified as class I or class II (because of the statistical nature of equation (5) used in the classification). This will obviously lead to a partial Pyruvate dehydrogenase deterioration of the overall quality of the proposed two-stage procedure. Nevertheless, this overall quality may be statistically

accessed in the same manner as was done in the case of the one-step procedure (i.e. equation (4)), by calculating the corresponding values of MNB and NRMSE. In fact, our two-stage procedure for estimating POM resulted in the following values: MNB = 7.9% and NRMSE = 49.4% (number of observations n = 220). This means that by using the proposed two-stage procedure instead of the simple formula given by equation (4), we obtain improved values of MNB and NRMSE (compare values of 7.9% with 9.2%, and 49.4% with 56%). That suggests that the two-stage procedure for estimating POM might be worth implementing in situations where the particle composition (in terms of POM/SPM) is expected to vary significantly. This two-stage procedure is given only for the estimation of POM values. Admittedly, we also attempted to construct similar two-stage procedures for estimating SPM, Chl a and POC, but we were unable to achieve a significant improvement in the estimates compared to simple relations presented earlier ( equations (1), (2) and (3)). Finally, we have to stress once again that the formulas and procedure presented above ((1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6a)) are merely examples.

Additionally, clp T cells from diseased EndohiRag1−/− mice produc

Additionally, clp T cells from diseased EndohiRag1−/− mice produced significantly more interferon gamma and IL-17a than T-cells from healthy EndoloRag1−/− mice. However, there was no significant difference in the percentage of FoxP3+ regulatory T cells ( Figure 2F). The absolute number of T cells differed significantly due to the higher total amount of T cells present LGK-974 order in EndohiRag1−/− mice ( Supplementary Table 1). These observations suggest that the endotoxicity and composition of the intestinal microbiota

are crucial for maintaining the mucosal immune homeostasis or induce inflammation. Endolo microbiota promotes intestinal immune homeostasis and Endohi microbiota results in a TH1/TH17a-driven colitis in Rag1−/−

mice after the adoptive transfer of naïve T cells. Variations in the biologic activity of LPS from various organisms have been ascribed to differences in the structure of LPS.21 and 25 From these reports, we hypothesized that the different LPS structures might account for differences in the anti- or pro-inflammatory potential of Endolo and Endohi microbiota. Therefore, we used a commensal E coli JM83 K-12 (E coliWT) WT strain and a MUT strain, E coli JM83 + htrBPg (E coliMUT), which had been published to contain in the lipid A the fatty acid 16:0 instead of 12:0. 21 In a previous study, this minor lipid A modification significantly affected host cell signalling. 21 We isolated and purified LPS from both E coliWT and E selleck inhibitor coliMUT and characterized its fatty acid composition; both contained the typical E coli LPS fatty acids, however, strain E coliMUT possessed additional 16:0. Additional investigations by high-resolution electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron mass spectrometry proved the presence of the same hexa-acetylated find more lipid A molecules in both strains ( Supplementary Figure 1). In addition, E coliMUT contained a major portion of lipid A, in which 12:0 had been exchanged to 16:0. To verify the altered stimulatory capacity

of LPSMUT compared with LPSWT, we used TLR4-overexpressing human embryonic kidney cells (HEK293). Stimulation of cells with the modified LPSMUT resulted in a significantly reduced IL-8 secretion 4 hours after stimulation, as compared with LPSWT (Figure 3A). To investigate whether E coliMUT and E coliWT actually contribute to mucosal immune homeostasis or colitis in our model, Endolo mice were pretreated with metronidazole and Endohi mice with streptomycin, and then fed with E coliWT. Streptomycin was administered to suppress putative colitogenic Enterobacteriaceae and to reduce endogenous E coli to permit colonization of administered E coliWT. Metronidazole was administered to disrupt the endogenous possibly protective bacteria of the phylum of Bacteroidetes and to assess the anti-inflammatory effect of E coliMUT ( Supplementary Figure 2).

Niektóre kraje stosują wydłużony schemat szczepień MMR z odstępem

Niektóre kraje stosują wydłużony schemat szczepień MMR z odstępem 7–12 lat między dwiema dawkami (Belgia, Bułgaria, Estonia, Holandia, Islandia,

Malta, Norwegia, Polska, Węgry, Słowacja). Podanie drugiej dawki szczepionki przeciw ospie wietrznej w schemacie wydłużonym prawdopodobnie może mieć wpływ na zmniejszenie ryzyka spadku odporności poszczepiennej u młodzieży i osób dorosłych. Jednakże doświadczenia z USA pokazują, że zwiększone wówczas ryzyko zachorowań na ospę wietrzną pomiędzy dwiema dawkami może utrudnić eliminację ospy wietrznej [45]. Standardowy schemat szczepień MMR stosują: Chorwacja, Cypr, Dania, Finlandia, Grecja, Hiszpania, Irlandia, Litwa, Luksemburg, Łotwa, Portugalia, Rumunia, Słowenia, Szwecja, Turcja, Wielka Brytania, Verteporfin in vivo Włochy [38]. W krajach takich jak Finlandia, z bardzo dobrą realizacją obu dawek MMR, szczepienie przeciw ospie wietrznej może być rekomendowane w tym schemacie i z powodzeniem realizowane szczepionką skojarzoną MMR-V [51]. Odpowiedź immunologiczna po drugiej dawce szczepionki MMRV, podanej u dzieci w 5–6 roku

życia została dobrze oceniona w badaniach klinicznych [52]. Ten schemat z zastosowaniem szczepionki MMR-V, obowiązuje Obeticholic Acid manufacturer od 2007 roku w USA i jest rekomendowany przez American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Infectious Diseases [53], a od 2008 roku w Grecji i Hiszpanii [38]. Potencjalna słabość stosowania schematu standardowego wiąże się z ryzykiem zachorowań pomimo szczepienia w relatywnie Rho długim okresie pomiędzy dwiema dawkami, co może spowodować ogniska ospy wietrznej w środowiskach zamkniętych oraz przypadki zachorowań u wrażliwej na zakażenia młodzieży i dorosłych [54]. Ochronne stężenia przeciwciał stwierdzane po 13 miesiącach po szczepieniu

jedną dawką były znamiennie niższe w porównaniu z poziomem po 46 dniach (odpowiednio 17,2 VE i 21,3 VE; p < 0,001). Znamienne obniżanie się stężenia przeciwciał po 13 miesiącach stwierdzono u 27,4% dzieci (p<0,0001) [55]. Schemat przyśpieszony, za jaki uważane jest podanie w drugim roku życia dwóch dawek szczepionki MMR w odstępie co najmniej 1 miesiąca, stosowany jest w Austrii, Czechach, Francji, Niemczech (MMR-V), Szwajcarii oraz dopuszczany alternatywnie, zgodnie z zaleceniami WHO, w USA [56, 57]. Za tym schematem szczepień przemawia jego dobra realizacja, związana z większą akceptacją szczepień u małych dzieci. Należy podkreślić, że ryzyko zachorowań na ospę wietrzną po jednej dawce szczepionki narasta z upływem czasu. Schemat przyśpieszony zapewnia wysoki poziom ochrony już w pierwszych latach życia, co daje redukcję ryzyka zachorowań pomiędzy dawkami, związanego ze schematem standardowym i wydłużonym.

, 2013) Typical examples of MP material encountered in this stud

, 2013). Typical examples of MP material encountered in this study are given in Fig. 4. China has been considered as one of the three biggest producers of plastic waste (Rochman et al., 2013). Understanding

find protocol the properties and distribution of plastics is useful in considering how MP impacts the social economy, what influence the items have on the marine ecosystem and how to target management. Our study provides a baseline of MP contamination in the Yangtze Estuarine system, as well as the first quantitative description of MP debris in China. The size, abundance and characters of floating MPs (0.5–5 mm) were established in the Yangtze Estuarine System. The unique design of spatial scales provides good insights into MP source and fate. Further research is planned to assess distribution of MP transported via estuaries in differing marine environments and the probable transfer Thiazovivin of MP in the food chain. We thank the editor and the anonymous reviewers for their useful comments on the manuscript. This paper was funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2010CB951203), the Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai

Municipality (11ZR1438800) and the State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research of China (200KYYW03). “
“What follows is a personal viewpoint regarding the state of coral reefs in the Florida Keys. My view is based on personal observations and geologic knowledge gained in recent years crotamiton from high-resolution seismic profiles and many coral reef cores. Seismic profiles show that the majority of the outer-reef belt is <2 m, not as thick as would be expected and coring of the thicker backreef accumulations combined with C-14 dating indicate periods during the past 6000 years when coral reefs did not accrete. Such arrested growth, whether due

to storms, freezes, or warming events, clearly occurred before there were significant numbers of humans in the Florida Keys. With this geologic background as a guide, I present a somewhat offbeat history of the Florida Keys. The story starts in 1950 when I first began diving there, and is based almost entirely on recollections. Much has been left out, and certainly many significant events have been missed. I was born in Key West 2 years before the infamous Labor Day Storm of 1935 and began serious diving in the Keys in 1950. I had been fishing there with my father many years before learning to dive. In the early days, diving meant spear fishing. Early on, we made spears from Model A Ford brake rods that could be scrounged in junkyards. Because of age and location, I observed many historical and sociological changes leading up to the present. My history may seem cynical in part but nevertheless illuminates many ways that social history in the Keys affected coral reefs. One must first realize that the Florida Keys have long been a magnet for people running away from something, starting with the first pirates and later British loyalists immigrating from the Bahamas.